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what is the focus examination to do in CC of sore throat?
HEENT and respiratory? or HEENT and abdominal? or just HEENT?
All... If the patient is young and associated weakness and fever.. I will do HEENT, Abdomen and if time permits Lungs..

If older (e.g. >40 yo) with associated cough or difficulty of breathing.. Then I will do HEENT, Lungs, and extremities.. I might not even check the abdomen.. Hope this helps..
ok thanks.

so in the 1st scenerio u said the abdominal exam is more impt than the lungs? there will definetly be no time for the two, it has to be lungs or abdomen in addition to HEENT
any additional thoughts on this?
lungs and heart exam is a must in all case irrespective of CC. in d above case i will say HEENT, chest and heart and if still got some time then abdomen.
On a sorethroat in a young patient, I will do HEENT and Abdominal exam first.. Then Lungs if time permits.. I will ONLY examine HEART in a patient with SORETHROAT if I think he developed rheumatic heart which usually appears after years of REPEATED bouts of sorethroat.. I hope I made it clear.. And its just my opinion..
And heart and lungs is NOT a must in all CC.. This I am sure of....

Joint pain??? e.g knee, elbow, shoulder
Back pain???
Neck pain???

Up to you if you want to do heart and lungs on these cases.. Time is gold in this exam..
In a young patient, Im thinking of Infectious mono... That's why I think abdominal exam is a must in addition to HEENT to rule out organomegaly and abdominal tenderness especially spleen..
but if there is no abdominal pain or symptoms i guess one can spare the abdominal examination primarily cos of time, and then add in the patient's note that patient denies any abdominal pain and symptoms.

or despite the absence of abdominal symptoms in a young adult it is stil necessary to perform the abdominal exam?