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Full Version: What are my chances for IM? - sabeen
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My credentials are

step 1 232 83 2012
step 2 221 91 2006 (1 attempt)
step 2 cs 2009 (1 attempt)

YOG: 2004
US Citizen
No USCE/Research

Please give me your honest input. I want to apply to IM Residency programs this Match year (2013). I have no connections.
You have to work on getting some research and clinical expierence otherwise it is not good. There are long breaks in education. where you working somewhere? Also step 1 with 232 and 83 do not match. does it mean 93 . Anyhow as above do you think yu can give step 3.
Yes, I was working in a private clinic in my country.
I do mean 83/232 (result came out yesterday).
I'm very confused as to how to go about getting any us clinical experience or research at this point now that match season is about to begin.
i graduated late 90s
step 1 99 2nd attempt
step2 99 1st
cs 1st
no research/no usce/no us lor
got matched
there is hope & if its meant to be nothing will stop it
also need visa
Thanks for the answers.
I'm really scared, I feel like the odds are against me.
There isn't much time now for usce or research. Sad
Sabeen - dont worry about the time. I just finished my step 2 and am looking for volunteering as a research associate, in free clinics etc. And i got a interview next week for research volunteer. I may not get my LOR on time, but we still hv stuff to talk about during the interview. So begin looking into things.. of all things.. it will make you comfortable in the setting.. big plus for IV
dear sabeen,

you can check my posts in last year. I was worried like you, don't know may be to an extreme level. And add to that got only 2 iv.

But the good news is that I got the much needed prematch offer.

So you never know what ALMIGHTY has allotted for you. Looking at your credentials, I think you need Step 3 and USCE- you can do it in any form, private office, observership/ externship- anything. And keep your faith on God and pray as hard as possible. And one more thing. Don't think anything negative at this stressed moment. You will get ample opportunities to be in stressful situation in next few months, but you have to figure out a way to fight those bad moments.

All my best wishes are with you.
Thanks everyone for your input. I haven't taken Step 3 but I don't want to rush it and probably do badly on it (or worse, even fail!). Probably sending random emails to various institutions asking them to allow me a chance to volunteer or participate in morning rounds would be worth a shot (in the I guess all I can do now is pray,wait and see.

Your attempts and lack of USCE might go against u. And Year of graduation can be a factor. At this pt u cant do much about that. Any interview that comes up.....treat it as if it is only one shot in life and lets hope for the best
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