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Full Version: Where to mention MRCP and MRCGP,in My ERAS applica -
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Hi Guys,

I have done MRCP UK, MRCGP UK, Diploma In Family Medicine and Diploma in Occupational Medicine from UK and PG certificate course in Accident and Emergency course, and these are not Masters, these are only Memberships, These qualification are not listed in my ERAS Medical education column, Its only a Membership qualification, I do not know what to fill in Date attendance. and country..

Guys please reply and help me to fill the application

Hi, I hope u can mention that in the column of Awards and other accomplishments, but I m not sure..
Thanx usmlescore3, MRCP, MRCGP UK are qualifications but I need really further help, those who know please reply
wht's d point?? u think any prog here in d US of a gives a damn about your foreign quali? MRCP, BDSM.... whatever..... wake up and smell the roses friend!
I came frm Ireland n had 2 strt frm scratch, n i macthed, n never 1ce was my prev qual even ack'd, u bettr believe