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Full Version: nbme-skin - junaid
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16yr old wrestler. Rash on forarm,back of legs since 1wk.on exam-patches of erythema with mild lichenification over anticubital n popliteal fossa.clusters of painfull umbilicated vesicles at sites of active skin inflammation.diagnosis?
a-eczema herpeticum
b-herpes zoster
c-keratosis pilaris
d-lichen planus
e-pityriasis rosea

This one I am pretty sure it is A. eczema herpeticum. An HSV infection.

In step 1 prep, I read a post saying that in his real exam he was asked what is common in wrestler, and I found the answer is HSV.

So here again, 16 yo wrestler, skin infection pattern fits eczema herpeticum too.