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Full Version: Advice QBank/USMLEasy - doncorleone
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I was wondering what people thought about USMLEasy as opposed to Qbank
An Answer anybody???
I just buy usmleasy 2 days ago, but I dont like it the questions seems taken out of lippincot textbooks or pretest series, the only advantage that I have seen yet is that usmleasy have tons of Q about biochemistry and molecular biology, that I need to practice. They said that you will have full acces for "free" to accesmedicine but I was trying to enter the site and they denied me to enter arguing that I have to registrer "again" and pay a full inscription.

In other hand I check another Q website is called usmle 123, this place seems to have goods Q more similar to Q bank and the real thing I guess, what I liked most is that the questions was written by Goljan.

But if you are looking a website to start your practice Q so stick to Qbank and do it at least 1 time (rigths and wrongs) before you think to switch to another site.

Hope this help you
saton... I think you need to contact them to gain full access to

I saw somewhere in that site that the USMLEasy users have to contact the website master to gain full access to

Hope this helps~
Yes I already contact them, they said to me that the account has a 2 days delay for activation, in accesmedicine. Now I have full acces and is pretty good you have invaluable resources there, help me to clear some doubts with out the constant needing to open those enourmous books.