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Full Version: please helpppppp.............. - chcentaur
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Dear IMGs,
I got several requests for prematch and tons of interviews in IM,Ophtalmology,ENT,Radiology...from Hatvatd,Johns Hopkins,UCLA,Yale etc..and I don't know how to rank them!!! Would you please help this poor frustrated IMG to choose one of them!!!God bless you all.
p.s. If you can not help me to rank them, just feel jelous and depressed and give up asap, that'd be enough.
Wow...I just got a message from a PD, he wanted to date me!!! what does it mean in your opinion???
are we sarcastic today, or what????????????????????????????
come on janosch, I'm kidding...a little bit fun makes everything easier.
Good luck
I rejected prematch in IM from Harvard! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
I know you are...and I think your post is kinda funny.......
Actually all these people asking for help in ranking are really getting on my nerves.....
It's kinda fake and showing off....or proving real big insecurity about themselves.....

So are you dating the PD now or not????????? Which PD is it? The one from Harvard or the one from Yale???????Smile
PS good luck for you too!
what specialty did you apply for? I'm going for Patho!
Hi Chcentaur, everything I can pass, but dating with the same PD as me - NEVER!