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Full Version: To digidoc please help.. - himali12
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You are like god in this forum.You helped me a lot for my CS exam..Now i have one query.I tried a lot in Matching forum but at last i'm asking you..

I have 9 programs and 48 position for this match.My credentials 90/90/certified No uslor,no usce,need Visa (preferably H1b).4 Im programs and 5 FM programs.How much is my chance of matching this year.And i'm planning to take step 3 on 3/4 of march.After that i'm undecided between going home and staying here for post match scramble.Is it necessary to stay here for post match.How much is chance in post match..

Your precious suggestion will be valuable to me.

Thank you very much.Hope i get response from you.

Dear Himali,

Analyses suggest that most people get matched in the top 5 programs of their choice, which would mean that your chances are pretty good. A lot of FM programs do unmatched each i feel your 5 FMs are a solid backup ... At the same time, a match is unpredictable. In event of a no-match, a post-match scramble is the next thing to try (God forbid) .

Speaking about chances in a post-match scramble ..we mst remember that a chance is a chance only if you take it ! I mean to imply that it's prudent to hold on in the US for a few days more and take your chances till the very end - coz even a 0.0001% chance is worth it for the amount of time, money, efforts and waiting you have invested this far :-)

best wishes to you for the match !

Thank You very much Digidoc.
I wish you every sucess for your kind words for me..
isnt it possible to apply for post match scramble for another country.Is it necessary to stay here for that?

Thank you.

The advantage of being in the US during the match is:

1. Cheaper to make those hundreds of phone calls
2. Faxes are much cheaper (unless u are gonna use net-based faxes)
3. U will be in the same time zones...

More Scramble Tips being compiled at : P M s c r a m b l e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
