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Full Version: q.5____________? - sarim
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Membrane Potential ....... - 90 mV

Equili. Potential of Cl ...... - 90 mV
Equili. Potential of k ....... - 105 mV
Equili. Potential of Na ...... + 45 mV

If we double the membrane conductance of Cl, then ?

A-Cl will move into the cell
B-Cl will move out of the cell
C- No net diffusion of Cl
Is it B? More negative inside...
"C" is correct.

Given Cl Eq. Potential is -90 mV ----which is same as the measured "Membrane Potential" (-90)

-At this membrane potential , chloride ions are at equilibrium, so even if we double the Cl Conductance "There will NOT be a net diffusion of chloride"
@Sarim thanx for explaination and for all questions and answers also...