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where receptors to TSH are located?
intracellular....bcas they r steroid receptors

nice questions...thanks...
TSH is a peptide hormone.
from wiki ------The thyrotropin receptor (or TSH receptor) is a receptor (and associated protein) that responds to thyroid-stimulating hormone (also known as "thyrotropin") and stimulates the production of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The TSH receptor is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily of integral membrane proteins[1] and is coupled to the Gs protein.[2]
But where in the body receptors for TSH are located?
usmledreamz urw, q is really good, wait for answers
TSH receptor present on thyroid gland, which is receptor mediated and stimulate T3 and T4 synthesis. But T3 will act on other organs, and it is steroid hormone, so it will enter cytoplasm directly but it will bind to receptor in cytoplasm and enter nucleus and attach to DNA for its action.
this correct swamy, there are receptors for TSH in the thyroid
but they are also in every cell in the body -remember guys about peripheral conversion of t4 to t3
uw explain it very nicely, that is why its unique for Graves disease (antibody against TSH receptors) - peritibial myxedema and exophthalmos
oh really....this is something opp to what i learnt....steroid hormones, vit d, tsh....were all steroid hormones as i learnt...
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