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Full Version: Which nbme best to start with wanna know the seque - simbirj
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Want to know the sequence. There are no of them, which one take first then next..... And then last. Also do we need to take a date for it or we can take it any time we want??
just take one does not matter 7 or 13.
Pick one and move on is the key. If i say No 13 is easiest and you start doing it and found out that it's the hardest one you've seen, that would be so unfair advice from me, right? So, there's nothing called sequence. It serves the purpose of knowing the questions style, types of questions, trick in them and lastly the marks you get is +/- 10 of what you would get in real test. Being said that, keep the new ones for the last (15 and 16).Why you might ask? Cause people are saying that they are closest to what you will get in the real exam or what people got in the real test could correlate to the new ones. But again, choose one and start it. You pay for it and you start, you dont have to select a date. You can take it anytime you want it. GL Hope this was help.
@cardio: Same timing same thing we said....WOHOO !!
Thank you @sweety for all ATP you spend and fast typing of yrsSmile
Smile) ATP on fast
Thanks cardio 69 and sweety_usmle. Very helpful