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hajira - hajirafuad

i am a pathology resident took sep 3 and failed it, i need it for my visa and i cant continue my residency.rt now i am sitting at home.i read swanson and crush step 3 very well and got 67.what should i do now please help me or i will loose my residency.i did practice a lot for ccs.
path resident - alifaizi

i m also a path resident struggling to pass step 3. Kaplan Q Bank and MKSAP are also one of the best resources to prepare besides crush step 3.

Join Kaplan.. they are the best.. I don't guarantee but I am sure then you will pass.. coz their vedios are useful besides q book.

I was wondering if you graduated from a foreign medical school since you said you needed it for your visa. And if so could you please tell me what are the steps that you have to take in order to become a doctor in the United States, and how long it will take. I'm an American but I want to go to school in Australia and I just don't know what I'll have to do when I come back to the U.S. Thank You

u will need to take USMLE step 1,2 and CSE after or during u finish med school in australia to qualigy for a residency in the US
You will not need step 3 bcoz u r a citizen

you will still need step 3 whether you are american citizen or not......

step 3 only needed for H1 visa not even for J1 us citi or permenant residents do not need it but ofcourse it will give u plus point if u have passed step3 before residency
snill - snill

give up already and go home