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Some programs have not yet retrieved the documents.... What does it mean? Is it possible even 10 days after applying?
I think there's still very few programs like interfaith in New York that haven't download the application. Perhaps they are waiting for the MSPE or just being lazy. There's nothing to worry about .
i have 80% not retrieved, some people on this forum said no need to worry about. the fact of the reality is, no one really knows the right answer. how many of your list have not get retrieved yet?
80%??? That much?? Kinda odd. I have 2 out of 205 programs that are not yet retrieved.
i just worry most of my applications got stuck somewhere on the way
@clueymd, sorry, i counted all those without MSPE notes as non-retrieved

I don't think so. If your documents weren't retrieved, you would have not yet retrieved as the status. The ones in black with a date and time they probably have it already...I think.
@clueymd, thanks man, i sure hope so
i have 80% not retrieved as well. I applied to about 100 programs
@me7, hopefully it is not a glitch in the e-application system. gl
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