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Full Version: Looking for a LIVE CS partner in Chicago - djny2k
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Hey Doctors, I've just started studying for CS, as of now I am studying the First Aid. I'm looking for a serious study partner at least for 2-3x a week. We can either meet at Starbucks or my place or your place to study. I would like to take it by next month so it would be nice to find someone who can study with me for CS and also take the exam at the same time. It will be beneficial for the both of us. I really want to get this exam out of the way.

Please reply if interested.
Where do you live?
Did you get date?
If you are interested we can study together.
Leave your e-mail i will contact you.
Hey I live near Chinatown/UIC/Rush that vicinity.
Where do you live?
Email me at djny2k or leave your email and Ill email you.