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Trying to keep all the vaccine info in one place so feel free to add what is accurate and helpful. Thanks!

Pneumococcal vaccine: PCV= pneumococcal conjugated vaccine PPV-pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine

Healthy normal kid: PCV at 2,4,6,12

Sickle cell kid: PCV at 2,4,6,12 with Pn and then once they turn 2 give them the PCV because of their high risk of asplenia.

From peterskype:

Children younger than age 2 y o have poor immuno response to MPCV which is a conjugate vaccine. May be it's the reason why these two ( MPCV and PPCV ) are given after 2 years

From usmle8484


UW Id 4342
Twice daily penicillin prophylaxis until 5 years of age for Asplenia in sickle cell disease

UW Id 4281
Before getting splenectomy done (for any reasons, eg Hereditary Spherocytosis)
Daily oral penicillin prophylaxis should be done after the operation for 3 -5 years or until adulthood to avoid sepsis which has a risk of happening until 30 years or more after splenectomy

UW Id 2712
Patient with a hx of Rheumatic fever are at high risk pf recurrence and progression of Rh with repeated episodes of GAs pharyngitis and they should receive continuous antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent recurrent GAS pharyngitis , they should receive intramuscular benzathine penicillin g eevry 4 weeks:

Rheumatic Fever w /o Carditis: (5 years or until 21 y) (which ever is longer)

Rheumatic Fever + Carditis but no heart/valve dz by clinical or ECHO criteria : (10 years or until 21 years old) (which ever is longer)

RF + carditis + heart/ valvular disease present: (10 years or until 40 years) (whichever is longer)

Feel free to post questions and add more regarding vaccines! Study well !
Thank you Smile
1. are vaccines given according to the gestational age or chronological age? Whats the exception?

2. allergic to neomycin, which vaccines are CI?

3. dirty wound, last tetanus booster was 8 yrs ago. how do you treat?

4. CI to rotavirus vaccine?

5. Which vaccine is indicated for travelers going to

a. Mecca
b. Subsahara
c. Egypt

6. which live vaccines are ok in HIV? at what CD4 count?

7. An egg allergy may cause a reaction with which vaccines?

8. Who is eligible for HPV?

9. Dog bite in patient with Pn allergy. treatment?

1. are vaccines given according to the gestational age or chronological age? Whats the exception?
They are given according to chronological age except in Hep B do not give dosage at birth if they are less than 2 kg.

2. allergic to neomycin, which vaccines are CI?
sorry not contraindicated but neomycin is found in MMR, IPV and varicella. So its not contraindicated but if allergic then watch for rash.

3. dirty wound, last tetanus booster was 8 yrs ago. how do you treat?
Tetanus toxoid given to dirty would if booster was more than 5 years ago

4. CI to rotavirus vaccine?
SCID, intussusception, severe allergy to rotavirus components

5. Which vaccine is indicated for travelers going to

a. Mecca- meningitis
b. Subsahara- yellow fever
c. Egypt- Hep A, B, typhoid, polio

6. which live vaccines are ok in HIV? at what CD4 count?
MMR only if CD4 is more than 200

7. An egg allergy may cause a reaction with which vaccines?
Influenza and yellow

8. Who is eligible for HPV?
men and women between the ages of 9 and 26

9. Dog bite in patient with Pn allergy. treatment?
Doxycycline is an option but not in kids less than 8 so TMP SMX is another option.
Wow...Somehow missed it. Sorry.
Thank you for all the questions and explanations.
haha thats ok!

Even though I probably look like a crazy person asking and answering my own questions. : )
very nice! thanks penelope24
I missed this one too, but thank you!
Thanks Penelope but it's MPSV = Meningococcal Polysach vaccine
and PPSV= Pneumococcal polysach vaccine
thank you for correcting me!
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