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Full Version: Are doctors themselves healthy ?? - reminemi
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I wanna know why there is so much stress and anxiety of these usmle exams ? Are all doctors able to stay happy and healthy? Or do they become patients in this whole process ? Plz share ur views .
@reminemi this is temporary step in our life it is hard yes but temporary and we will pass it as others did,
study itself is not tough but with life circumstances became hard

other normal people are waisting their time for something does not worth, we spend our time for our carrier it's just one and half year and imagine the happiness after that.

be patient, try to find what can help u to keep study, make weekend for rest live like others and push ur self in workdays.... at the end we are human.

I do t think so, that this exam takes any toll on ones health( mental or physical)
I have seen many who have done this and leading a normal happy life😊. U just need to be surrounded by family and friends, who can give u emotional support during this journey of yours.I do agree with @ exist that one should take good relaxing breaks n rest,,this will re energize you to do it efficiently ,,, I guess it works for most of us... Good luck n wonderful happy studying 👍
I was in the ER yesterday...... Sad i as a matter of fact wanted to post something telling people to take a break or atleast walk for 30mins if possible.
oh, how are u feeling now Kiran?
@step2013: thanks for asking,i got DX with somthing called the Piriformis Syndrome i have been sitting down for straight 12-14 hours for the past 6-7 months. It was nasty had to call 911 and straight to the ER! Couldn't feel both my legs.But ya for people who are doing the same thing like me,please make sure you are eating and walking just a little bit or change your posture once in a while...... Haven't been able to study for the past few days which i driving me up the wall,my exam is in 31st dont know what to do.
Oh m sorry to hear that @ dr Kiran, hope u doing well now and get back to study more healthier .
@kiran, I really hope you do well real soon and get back into it. My exam is in January, 7 weeks left and I am feeling so stressed these days its crazy. I havent had any nerve injury, but im pretty sure ive gained atleast 10 lbs because of zero physical activity LOL.
Remi I remember reading somewhere. ... physicians-highest num of suicides in the US .
@sarahmle highest num of suicides because suicide is high among rich people not because of medicine
@kiran I hope u r fine, workout is important for health and study, please workout every day, health is priority
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