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Full Version: Can i retake my exams - surabhi222
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My scores are as follows,

Graduation in 2002-- 12years post graduation

I took usmle step 2ck in 2002 and flunked. I retook the exam in 2003 and just passed with score of 75 and the 3 digit score is 176

USMLE STEP 2CK (Jan 15th 2003) score 176 (Min Passing score 174) 1 attempt

USMLE STEP 1 (Feb 6th 2006) score 210 (Min Passing score 182)

USMLE STEP 2 CS Passed (Oct 20th 2004)
ECFMG CERTIFIED (March 2nd 2006)
USMLE STEP 3 (May11th 2010) score198 (Min Passing score 187)

US citizen, have research exp, some observership and externship, but no luck for residency.

Can i retake exams to improve my situation,

Alternate pathways like PA in USA or go to different country and practice medicine

Please give some input. thank you
You are ecfmg certified so you cannot retake the exams anymore, sorry
try to observerships or any kind of volunteer work in community hospitals(for at least 6 months to 1 year).make contacts.however PA path u might take but involves another couple of years of training and lots of debt money wise unless u wanna pay for the programme out of pocket.
Thank you so much for both of your advice. i appreciate your time and help. I wish all of you goodluck

I really dont have energy to fight for this residency anymore. If there is true hope i want to fight, but I dont see light at the end of the tunnel if i choose this pathway.

I want to live and lead a life like a docotor, I like to go back to India.

PA route is additional 2-3 years with a debt of 100k. If i choose this pathway, my graduation and scores will become old and I am not sure if this improves my chances for residency , may be i just have to live like a PA.

May be I will do clinical research so i dont have to spend more money. I heard in the long run about 5-8 years, clinical research pays good salary.

I didn t decide yet.
Residency positions r getting more and more competetive by each passing year due to lot of factors and the main reason for that increase in no. of AMG,S gradautes so in coming years it will be probably more hard for IMG,S to find positions.Research iam not sure about that but if join PA programme it will be a great addition to your resume and might get a residency position for u but in tht case u will have to decide weither u wanna continue with PA programme or join residency.but thats just a assumptions cos i red on this forum that lot of people get residencies after joing PA programmes which will give u hands on clinical experince, so in short it just all about taking a chance.I f u r open to go to back to india and u have resources back home then yes u can lead a respectable good life.I think all in all no body else can decide for u u have to take a call.
Hi Suralias,

Thank you for your advice and for your kindness. It is very thougtful of you.

I know personally 2 candidates who didnt make good step 1 and step 2 ck scores. They quit taking exams and took prerequisites and finished PA school They are retaking the steps and applying.

In my situation, I hope GOD will one day listen to my prayers. They tell with the PA route I can improve the clinical experience but not my scores , which will become more old. Just for an example if i come out of PA school in 2017 i will be 15 year old grad with old scores.

I know i asked too many questions b/c i always live in a dilemma. Any kind soul please give me some advice.
Hi surabhi,

u r right u cant change your YOG and your scores,all you can do improve your cv to look more appealing to PD, is hard and i know decesion on PA programme is not easy since it involves lots of money and hospitals who considered to be more IMG friendly weither they consider candidates with research background is a debatable question.but if your ultimate goal is residency then i guess PA would be waistage of money and time unless u want something as backup what speciality u r applying for residency?.just try to apply as many programmes as u can if u dont have any financial problems,its worth a shot.dont worry about the questions.thats why these forums r help each other.if u have more questions or want to discuss something i,ll give u my skype id which is arvind.chandu.u can add me and we can talk there.i myself a old graduate like you an i live in east coast.

your year of graduation is a big hindrance. I know quite a few IMG, Citizens and US green card holders all passing but low scores who can't get interviews

Then again I also know ppl with low scores who matched (at good places)

Contacts, Contacts, Contacts, but your low scores, coupled with a retake, plus 12 years graduation and as far as I can tell you haven't completed residency or practiced medicine in another country I would say your chances are very very very low, I would pursue other routes.

However if you have completed ie a sugery residency or even IM in another country I would say you have a very very good chance of landing the one of many sub-specialty fellowships (many unaccredited)
What have you done in clinical medicine since you graduated? With that information you can get some better guidance....

if your friends finished PA program and retake the exams, why cannot you retake?

also, PA programs usually recruit americans. you have slight chance to be hired by a PA program even you have a MD from a foreign country.
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