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It's been a long ride (1 and half year) studying for this exam, Please give me suggestions for this last 3 months

1st month FA- back-to-back read(2 times) and squeeze in pathoma
2nd month UW Online (100 questions/day) ~22 days and FA at the end of the month
3rd month FA-Pathoma-FA

Should I add any other material like Goljan?
I read very chapters of Goljan and about 30-40% audio

Thanks for all the people that helped me in the past, I just want to atleast pass this exam. I will finish my 2nd round of UWORLD this friday(1st official time because, 1st time I did not read the explanations. This time reading all the explanations very clearly)

Last nbme was Jan/9 179 nbme 13
Please help me at least pass this exams, by giving suggestion/comments

Please pray for me
Always always read FA and UW together. Don't have to be same subjects
@cvd thanks alot

Okay, I will try to do together

I am just afraid will I be able to finish, my two readings in one month and UW.

I am a very slow readerSad

Thanks for taking off to help, I appreciate it
agree with @cvd
Did you analyze your wrong questions in nbme?
Why did you get them wrong?
1) you don't know the concept?
2) you forgot the concept?
3) didn't understand the question?

Also do 1 block of from nbme 1-6 each day. You will cover many different questions and many concepts.

All the best