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what is spinal dysraphism???
can anyone plzzzzz explain
Its a group of neurological disorders that pull on the spine. I had to google it. I never read it before. :/
i couldnt understand the explanation on the net so posted here ,if anyone could explain better anyways thanks josephian
Imagine a dog tied to a wall or something. How would you picture it? Same way now imagine spinal cord being tied at one end. Was the picture clear? This abnormal phenomenon is also known as tethered. That is spinal dysraphism. Most commonly associated with spina bifida. Now think all sorts of problem if spinal cord is tied in someway. Since normally spinal cord can move up and down but now can it when it's teethered?
Hope this helps.
GL and happy studying.
ya that makes sense sweety but what the presentation and how would i differentiate it from CP?
Presentation of dysraphism may include
Tufts of hair as seen in spina bifida
Urinary problems
Gait disorder

Now how to differentiate from CP?
MRI is gold standard for dysraphism but what would you see in CP in MRI? Yes, it's a problematic thing in dysraphism because it's also diagnosed mostly by clinical examination giving emphasis on neuro and muskulo system. But when you need to differentiate between CP you do MRI. Plus, would one see tuft of hair on the back with a chil of CP? So few things from presentation and MRI helps in differentiating. On top of that if you are bound to get a question regarding these two topics (CP and Dysraphism) they would not make it way too complicated I think. It's like you differentiate between bacterial and viral meningitis by CSF picture even though both being meningitis. I hope I am able to clear the fog.

GL and happy studying .
thanks for the effort sweety.. but i am a still a lil confused beacsue there was a question on nbme 7 which i couldnt answer...ill post it here,would please explain the answer...

A Male newborn has bilateral clubfoot deformity.He was born at term following an uncomplicated pregnancu and delivery.He did not move his lower extremities immediately after birth,and did not cry when he recieved a needlestick in his heel.On examination,he is vigorous and moves his upper extremities but not his lower extremities.The bladder is palpable and full.which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

B.Congenital Hip dysplasia
D.muscular dystrophy
E.Spinal dysraphism

sweety or anyone else please.....

U ruled out D C B easily right? and confused b/w cp and spinal dysraphism ?
In spinal dysraphism like sweety said
Look for h/o tufts of hair , (which is not present in this case) but if u see the child can move upper extremities and not lower ext, also no sensation in lower ext ( note: this does not happen in CP---In CP there will be weakness involving both upper/lower ext in the form of spacticity or wherever the hypoxic injury has injured the part of the brain,but not such discrepancy (only lower ext affected with upper ext being normal in above vignette )since the brain is involved in CP ---brain injury due to hypoxia/vascular insufficiency mostly inutero)

vs spinal dysraphism--- is an umbrella term and neural tube defects come under it ;the tufts of hair with tethered cord is one of the occult spinal dysraphism ,
Here spinal cord /peripheral nerves is affected and the above vignette has clearly mentioned lower ext weakness and no sensation in lower ext but the child is moving upper ext (spared); also bladder is full so lesion is below the spinal cord involved ,most likely tethered cord in this case!!
also, club foot (another hint) associated with spinal dysraphism!!

I will give u two vignette below ( self made)

C/v-- newborn with hair patch on his back, cannot move his lower legs, bowel/bladder dysfunction ,no sensation in Lower ext,
In child-- same vignette with scoliosis, lower ext weakness, severe back pain radiating into legs,motor delay, asymmetric lower ext growth
Diagnosis ?
spinal dysraphism (tethered cord syndrome)

C/v--2 yo child with abnormal unsteady gait, decreased muscle mass , spasticity and increased lower ext reflexes,scissor walking ( knees come in and cross while walking) ,h/o recurrent seizures, learning disability and mentally retarded
--cerebral palsy

Still confused??
woah thats was awsome thanks happy studying...

so the answer fornbme question is spinal dysraphism
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