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Full Version: Lets gather ppl taking test march/april in philly - ann17
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lets gather and help each other out,also looking for an sp in and around gaithersburg,MD
hi m planning to take in april in philly.
hey @sucess15;have u started reading for Cs yet,i am currently doing ck and cs side by side,
will do full time cs starting next month.
where in MD are you?Do u have an sp,yet?
Hi m giving my cs in april first week. Anyone want to prep on skype can send me a request on dazzle dadra.
@ann.....m in ny...can do skype if u ok with that..and if u want to start in april we can do that too...i have two sp 's now but will not mind having one more.. if interested just leave ur skype id over here..will add u..thanks