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Full Version: nbme 16 q pls help - sami2007
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A 30-year-old woman with Li-Fraumeni syndrome is found to have adenocarcinoma of the breast. Her family history includes osteosarcoma. Which of the following mechanisms most likely underlies this condition?

Activated proto-oncogenes

Defective detoxification enzymes

Defective DNA repair enzymes

Impaired regulation of apoptosis

Impaired signal transduction
I think d. P53 stimulates apoptosis. U can see it with osteosarcoma and retinoblastoma
p53 prevents cells with damaged or mutant DNA from progressing into S phase from G1 and making sure DNA repairs are done which will of course involve enzymes before S phase. So I would choose C. P53 mutation is responsible for Li-Fraumeni. I hope this helps.
i choose c i got it wrong.the ans is d
p53 prevents BCL-2. so cytochrome C leaks out and causes apoptosis. if p53 is mutated bcl will prevent cyt c from leaking and there will be no apoptosis
thanks a lot