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Full Version: My Chances in Neuro? - inzaghi
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I am a FMG from India.
College over: 2011
Internship over: 2012
CS 1st attempt (2011)
Step1 1st attempt : 224 (2013)
Step 2 1st attempt : 206(2013) (had major family problems so messed up )
1 Publication in IJOEM(Indexed journal , PubMed)(2013)
2 month Clinical Clerkship ( cardio and Pulmo)(2011)
Applied in 2013 .. No ivs
didn't apply in 2014 ( had no money at all)

2 month Externship in IM in Germany(2014-15)
3 Month Externship in Neuro in Germany.(2015)
Residency just started in Neuro in Germany.
Aiming for step 3 in August and
wanna apply this year only in Neuro...


I cannot do more research here in germany as there are no possiblities..
I cannot do more Clinical externship etc in USA as my residency here has already started here so cannot go to USA for such externships..


Hi, great to see someone interested in neurology. I'm still a student, but looking at the statistics your step scores are on the lower side. Why are there no research possibilities? That sounds weird. Is your publication in neuro? You will have an uphill battle, but good that you have a plan-b in case it doesnt work out.
Some statistics about the 2013 neuro match for non-us imgs:

Mean scores for matched applicants:
Step 1: 230,
Step 2: 236

Mean YOG: 5.4 years

Applicants with step2ck between 201-210, 8/36 (~22%) matched

I think you biggest red flag is the step2ck score of 206, try to score very high on Step 3.
Thanks drbacchi

I know step 2 is messed up.. I'll aim for something better in step 3
I think for neuro you need to show true interest for the field. You need something on your application that supports your interest in Neuro (neuro research, 3+ neuro LoRs whatever that speaks for your interest in neuro). You need to get the IV invites somehow, I know people with low scores matching but they had substantial neuro research (PhD).
I learned a whole new language in 6 months along with my job as JR ... applied in Neuro residency program in a DEVELOPED country.. which is so to say almost on paar witih USA apart from the language ( which is freaking to tough) .. i did 3 months Clerkship and now residency.. till the time of interviews i'll be knowing EEG, EMG, DUPLEX, DOPPLER, LP..
is this not the proof of my interest in NEURO..
mannn these USMLE people are tough.. what more should I do.. any advice please...
I asked professors here.. I am beginner so they told me to concentrate on work first and not on publishing research papers.. and more so on a couple of profs do research here that too long duration clinical trail and stuff.. soo... thats out of question and I have a job now so will get only 6 weeks vacation which i am keeping for step 3 and IV(if i get any)..
interesting - how did you end up in germany, is this a common pathway Indian medical graduates take? do you have to pay a tuition for this training or do they pay you like here in US?
@inzaghi do you mind explaining why don't you stay in Germany for your residency? I bet it's better than the USA. I understand the language thing. But it seems you are doing very well.
is good
@psurg: no fees ... we get paid 4500Euro per month gross.. and actually they pay for accommodation and food and 400Euro during externship also.. its a legal thing.. they cannot give you externship if they are unwilling to give this..

@oakramble: USA was my dream since day one of my med school.. its kinda obsession now.. I know it may sound crazy but i have lost a lot of things ( time , money , my gf....) in chasing USA.. so ... and ya Germany is nice pretty high tech.. teaching system is also you know good ..but a lot of self study but I guess its the same everywhere.. and ya research and all is less ..only in UNI programs .. I am in a community program so very less chance... BUT biggest problem is language .. but otherwise its cool.. infact surgery is also easy to get once we get into system and we can change branches also easily.. I have talked with HOD of Neurosurgery dept in my hospital and he has said that if at all I decide to switch he will be willing to take me in..
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