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Full Version: last one... plz help... exam in 8 days!(nbme 17) - kath2329
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1 a 55 year old woman has left flank pain and gross hematuria. a mass is palpable in the left upper quadran of the abdomen. abdominal ultrasonography shows a 12 cm solid mass on the lower pole of the left kidney. angiogram shows hypervasc mass.
a nephrobastoma
b papillary transitional cell ca
c renal cell adenocarc
d renal cell adenoma
e squamous cell ca

a 53 year old man who recently returned from africa, has fever, headache and abdominal disconfort. he received appropiate vaccinations prior to the trip. his temp is 39. physical exam no abnorm. a peripheral blood smears is shown (cant show the image). dx?
a babesiosis
b leishmaniasis
c malaria
d toxop
e trypanosomiasis

2 a 40 year old woman comes to the physician because of a 1 year history of episodes of crampy abdominal pain, intermittent diarrhea, and rectal bleeding with passage of mocus. she is 173 cm tall and weighs 55kg. BMI 18. abdominal exam shows diffuse tenderness with no rebound tenderness. sigmoidoscopi shows diffuse ulcers, initial tx?
a amoxicillin
b bismuth subsalicylate
c loperamide
d octeotide
e sulfasalazine (maybe?)

3 a 50 year old man comes tot he physician because of a persistent cough for the past 2 months. he has had a 5 kg weight loss during this period. he is a farmer and started itraconazole or 4 weeks ago for histoplasmosis. current med hydrochlorothiazide, enalapril, atenolol, omeprazole and metoclop. he appears thin. physical exam shows no other abdn. an interaction betwn itraconazole and which of the following accounts for the lack of effect of itraconazole?
a atenolol
b enalapril
c hydroclorot
d metoclopramide
e omeprazole

4 a previously healthy 17 year oldgirl is brought tot he emergency department because of a 1 day hsitory of shortness of breath, weakness, and muscle tenderness. she completed a triathlon the previous day, appears restless. bmi 19, tem 38, bp 150.90. bilateral crackless at lower lungs, muscle tenderness. creat 4 mg/dl. urinalisis 3 protein and 4 hemog. inc realease of?
a aldolase
b ck
c hemogl
d myog
e troponin I
3. omeprazole....CRACK AMIGOS. cyt p450 inhibitor
but itraconazole is also p450 inhibitor, does it affect by some othe p450 inhibitor
i would choose omeprazole. they say drug interaction. hes not taking any antacids to mess with absorption or anything like that.
none of the other options really pop out for me.

so yea, why not?
Rvusmle can you please explain why the 4 th nswer is CK
Rvusmle can you please explain why the 4 th nswer is CK
1- renal cell adeno
2- malaria
3- salfasalazine
4- omeprazole
5- myoglobin

Myoglobin is released due to exertion which. Is toxic and can cause acute kidney injury , so the pt has a crest of 4.

I got them right so can trust the answers .

ohh i overlooked that.
i agree with @rutchishah.

ck is releasedd when there is muscle damage.
myoglobin is released during exertion
thankss,,, blessings
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