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Full Version: CONSENT about under 18 patient!! - nostaldic
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Hey guys can anyone please tell about whether should we take consent from such patient????
and whta should we ask exactly???
do we need to mention about it in the PN?
what should we write?
if door way information says under 18.... i.e 17/16 yrs old

walk in
introduce yourself
before beginning to ask any questions related to chief complaint

say :

"Ma'am i'd just like to confirm, did you get parental consent for today's visit?"

the patient will say
"yes I have given it to the nurse"

your response
"okay great, so let me ask you a few questions regarding blah blah blah "

and you carry on with the case like a regular case then

passed cs Smile
did have a under 18 case two of them
thanks pal..
so nice of u
so do we need to mention about the consent in PN?
what should we write?
When you offer consent for an underage patient It is always important to respect confidentiality and let them know everything will be confidential however it is up to them to speak with their parents concerning their issue, if there is a need for a conference between the parents that can be arranged but it is up to you

They lecture about the new exam format with gold Cs review very well
It was a very good course and they helped me to improve so much and they helped me
With this question during their review
I strongly recommend it
i didnt mention it under my PN....

however i did reiterate few times that whatever we speak about will remain confidential and i would recommend that.
if the patient said no, I didn't take my parents consent, what should I do in this case?
well there are only few cases where patient can say no which I HIGHLY HIGHLY DOUBT cs will test you on...

either emancipated ( so you can ask the patient, if he or she is emancipated)

or ask why the patient is here and they might describe sexually transmitted disease, or pregnancy related issue where parental consent is not needed.....

but it seems VERY unlikely.... it must be a very unlucky day for you then lol
Thanks for your reply I really appreciate that
hi Zen please what did they present with and what was the diagnosis?Thanks
I can not give you the exact case....

however from my experience and friends experience a typical underage case is somewhat like this

16 yr old F presenting with decrease menses

16 yr old F presenting with painful menses

16 yr old F presenting with abdominal pain (related to menses)

i can assure u of the 3 cases listed above... i had one of them

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