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Full Version: postpone after 2nd elegibility period? - basma11511
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im in a very bad situation now, i ended my 2nd elegibility period and cancelled my exam beause im pregnant and im having hyperemesis gravidarum Sad is there is any way ECFMG will extend my period or refund? i can get doctor note about my situation. any help appreciated ,thanks
try to get a letter from you obGYN and call them up and let them know about your situation
they might consider it !
Hope things get easier for you
u will have to call thm..they will nt refund the whole fee..but may refund some...
i called them and asked me to send a request for deferment by fax and doctor note included ..
You will have to reapply but your funds from the previous application will be at the end when you check out.
so, there is any hope that they gave me any fund?