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Full Version: unmatched 3 times - plz help - happy2015
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Hi 222/232/197 and cs 2nd attempt, 2011 grad. I applied 3 years and left unmatched. i felt devasted. what a pathetic situation. 6 months externship, 6 months research also. got 4 interviews but no luck. interviews went good and they said I'm good candidate and all but no-one really ranked me high. i need help what has to be done next. are there any options other than residency for me? like any masters? need advice.
Focus on one program. Relatively a less competitive one. Try to do observership or research with a well known faculty for several months. Show them that you are the most dedicated and hardworking resident that they can ever get.
applying 4th time honestly i have no energy left.
It's natural to feel that way. Don't make an emotional decision. Have a clear plan for every month from now on.
No offense but maybe you should try improving your English first.
@physiciancoagnition - thank you for your advice. but even if i try for one more year, it would still be unpredictable at the end. i am completely confused what to do next.
You don't have that bad cv.i think you should focus on 1,2 programs and start doing observer shop with them.