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Full Version: Anyone here looking to revise Pathoma quickly? - 260orbust
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Anyone here looking to quickly revise/read through Pathoma within a week

I had made these HY notes based on Pathoma and other patho resources, and am looking to revise them in a tight schedule. Looking to do each system. Can share notes systems wise too. Would be great if you're based in Indian Time Zone or close. (GMT + 5:30) Else we could arrange a time, convenient for both of us.

Looking for someone who can spend 4+ hours per day, since i plan to finish this in a week.

Add in skype, thanks.

I am interested in reviewing pathoma
add me

dr.annagrass skype
hey !
Hey! I am interested. What is your skype id.
do u have pathoma book and videos 2016 edition?
ratna.hossain1 skype id pls msg me... urgent