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Full Version: attempt and PS - doc0610
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anyone addressed their attempt on thier PS? how do you go about it? I was wondering abou that so if anyone could share some input, I would appreciate it.
Of course man say it up front like yo I failed so suee I'm human
I would think that you should address it in your PS however try to show how you have learned from the situation.

For example..."2014 was an enlightening year for me as I realized that I had not fully developed my study skills or you can say..I had not yet learned how to balance my personal life and school life. As a result I failed my step. This was a hard dose of reality and I have worked diligently to identify my weakness and improve my study skills. I believe my repeat score reflects my growth and maturity and I have made an effort to use my failure as the foundation of......
@jagjeetsingh @teine, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it Smile
Only if you have a valid reason...everyone can come up with an excuse but whether its in your hands or not that matters