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A 5-year-old boy is brought to the physician's office because of pharyngitis. Culture of a swab from the throat grows a β-hemolytic gram-positive coccus in chains. Which of the following components of the microbe is responsible for this organism's shape?

A) Glycoprotein

B) Lipopolysaccharide

C) Lipoteichoic acid

D) Peptidoglycan

E) Polysaccharide

F) Teichoic acid
it is f
its D or E
now i get so sleepy,tomorrow i search about it
misstype i wanna say e.
ok good night. Have a nice dream !!!
D peptidoglycan is for cell shape. Polysachharide is past of LPS, present only in gram negative bacteria. Teichoic acids only for attachment and are immunogenic.

Refer: Kaplan Microbiology- medically important bacteria
ok .
I was thinking about the pathogenicity of the org all time and also seeing that too.

Too much stress..........

Thanks drgirl21.