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I wanted to ask those who are done with CS.
How much time will it take it to prep for CS if i can do it fulltime?
I studied CS in only 12 days I passed.
I used this book
up to 90 days depending on your experience and the sources you use
I chose csevideo and fa and worked on the exam prep for about 90 days with a few other students and we have all passed, it could be done in less 90 days if you have a good clinical background and courses from your univeristy good typing skills and good sep otherwise you will need to work on each section ice cis and sep
2 weeks
Defnitely not 2 week! It is a multilayer processing and thinking exam. Needs atleast 3 - 4weeks for an average student
1-2 months get a good sp who is advanced and show you your right and wrong of your practice
med26 check your email