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ML cause of inability to conceive by a white mulligravid college graduate with 2 yr hx of primary infertility, chronic pelvic pain, normal pelvic anatomy, no evidence of endometriosis nor pelvic adhesions, both fallopian tubes spilling methylene blue dye, basal body temperatures of 97.5 from day 1 to day 14 and 37 from day 16 to 27, whose menstrual periods occur at regular 28 day intervals, and husband™s semen shows a sperm count of 40 million with 65% motility and normal morphology?
1. PCO syn
2. Male factor infertility
3. Anovulation
4. No cause can be identified at this time
5. Old pelvic inflammatory dis
4. No cause can be identified at this time????????????????????
key words