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Hi Guys ,

I am a highly experienced USMLE tutor and have been teaching USMLE for almost seven years now and I have achieved more than ninety percent success rate. I teach through Gotomeeting everyday from Monday to Saturday and my each session lasts for two hours. I have both group and one-on-one sessions. I will give you NOTES which will cover most of the major books and whatever else is required to score high in board exams. I can assure you that if you work hard, together with my right guidance I can help you pass with high scores. I am a doctor of medicine and I have practiced medicine for many years.

I will also assess you periodically by conducting tests including questions from CMS and also NBME.

Right now I have various group sessions at different timings for step 1, step 2 and step 3. The syllabus is finished within 45-50 days approximately if you join these sessions.

If you want one-on-one then syllabus will be finished within thirty days.

We are a company of highly experienced doctors who teach Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. For further queries and the FEES please mail me or drop me a line. My email id is . My Skype id is (divesh04). You can see the huge list of testimonials on our website at the below link


Great testimonials!
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