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Full Version: Laryngomalacia - ben
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What is it?
How U DX and Rx it
it presents with stridor at birth, usuall is benign & self-limiting. disappear by 18 -24 mon. of age.
the stridor is inspirtory & increase with feeding or relaxing & decrease with crying or sleep.
no Rx. is needed unless the infant became hypoxic or growth failure present. tracheostomy or epiglottoplasty may be done.
IT INCREASES wgen the baby is supine and wen he cries
decrease when the baby is in prone position and chin up lifted--that is hyper extended---mother r advised to keep the baby upright afte feeding for 30 mins and never feed in lying position--thpical case of hoarseness-and stridor--without fever--cough---helps us to rule out---laryngotracheobronchitis--croup--diptheria