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pathology interveiw thread - happy_doctor - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

updates: Iv from Georgetown university
rej from university of colorado, Oregon health and UC san diego
*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Albert Einstein: acetate
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Brown: acetate
*Case Medical Center-Cleveland: H2k, acetate
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Conemaugh: churg, 3649736, path_dream
*Danbury CT: shattered, dreamgirl, churg, jok, ion
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*East Tennessee U: Jok
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor,patho79
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered, drsh
*Howard U: dumbme
*Jackson Memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
*Loyola: oxygen
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: ustmd2006
*Mayo: dreamgirl
*MCW: Brownie
*MUSC: Jok
*NYU: ion
*SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*SUNY Upstate - Syracuse: churg, Jok
*Texas Methodist: dumbme
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered
*Tufts- NEMC (Boston): dreamgirl, bantibanda
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl, patho79, Jok
*U of Cincinnati: Brownie, acetate
*UCI: oxygen
*U Florida-Jacksonville: patho79, ion, kos, Brownie
*U Indiana: path08, H2k
*U of Kentucky (Lousiville): Jok
*U Maryland: acetate
*U Mass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*U MDNJ-newark: patho79, icc
*U Minnesota: Brownie, dreamgirl, churg, Jok
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered
*U South Florida, Tampa: patho79
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg, steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736, happy_doctor, drsh, bantibanda, acetate
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl, acetate
*Washington U: kos, acetate
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician

*Alabama Baptist: Jok
*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie, acetate
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006,icc
*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl, icc
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, brownie, oxygen, dreamgirl, acetate
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Indiana U: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006, Brownie, acetate
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor
*MGH: oxygen,happy_doctor,patho79,kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate
*Mount Sinai (NY): oxygen, ion, pato79, ustmd2006,happy_doctor,kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami
*Ohio State University: happy_doctor, ustmd2006
*oregon health and science: patho79
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736, acetate
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor, ion
*U Colorado: kos, patho79
*UCSD: patho79
*UCSF: patho79
*U Florida-Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl,
*U of Kentucky (Lexington): icc, Jok, bantibanda
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k, icc, happy_doctor, acetate
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo, 3649736
*U New Mexico: w4c3
*UNC: patho79
*University of Rochester : happy_doctor
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736, Jok
*U South Florida: Brownie,
*U South Florida (Temple): markwang
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch:oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta, acetate
*U Texas-Houston-oxygen
*U Wisconsin: happy_doctor, Jok
*Vanderbilt: markwang
*wasthington hospital (DC); oxygen
*WI (Madison): markwang

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Hi Folks how is every one

I agree that its raining

Rejections from Wayne, Washington hospital, New England Medical Center Hospitals Program

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Hi happy_doc,

Can you share with me the rejection letter from wayne state? I got 4 letters in a roll and I have no idea what's going on. two of the message said they recall the first message.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

I got 5, and here is the last one.

"Thank you for your interest in the Wayne State University/Detroit
Medical Center Residency Training Program in Pathology.

Due to the number of highly qualified applicants, we are not able to
offer you an interview at this time. We will, however, keep your
application in our active file for this application period and will be
in contact with you if we are able to schedule an interview later.
Please keep us informed of any changes in your plans.

Please disregard any other correspondences you may have received."

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Dear O2 This is the one which i kept in my mail box and deleted rest of them

"Thank you for your interest in the Wayne State University/Detroit
Medical Center Residency Training Program in Pathology.

Due to the number of highly qualified applicants, we are not able to
offer you an interview at this time. We will, however, keep your
application in our active file for this application period and will be
in contact with you if we are able to schedule an interview later.
Please keep us informed of any changes in your plans.

Please disregard any other correspondences you may have received."

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Hi, I got 4 and first one is a rejeciton and second one is the same as you guys and the 3rd and 4th are recalls. Did not get 5 .

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Jok, now it my turn to do you a favor.. I will update your IV from Maryland (congrats), and mine from Wayne state. Updating my rejections from UNC, U Wisconsin and Washington Hospital

*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Albert Einstein: acetate
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Brown: acetate
*Case Medical Center-Cleveland: H2k, acetate
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Conemaugh: churg, 3649736, path_dream
*Danbury CT: shattered, dreamgirl, churg, jok, ion
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*East Tennessee U: Jok
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor,patho79
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered, drsh
*Howard U: dumbme
*Jackson Memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
*Loyola: oxygen
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: ustmd2006
*Mayo: dreamgirl
*MCW: Brownie
*MUSC: Jok
*NYU: ion
*SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*SUNY Upstate - Syracuse: churg, Jok
*Texas Methodist: dumbme
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered
*Tufts- NEMC (Boston): dreamgirl, bantibanda
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl, patho79, Jok
*U of Cincinnati: Brownie, acetate
*UCI: oxygen
*U Florida-Jacksonville: patho79, ion, kos, Brownie
*U Indiana: path08, H2k
*U of Kentucky (Lousiville): Jok
*U Maryland: acetate, jok
*U Mass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*U MDNJ-newark: patho79, icc
*U Minnesota: Brownie, dreamgirl, churg, Jok
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered
*U South Florida, Tampa: patho79
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg, steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736, happy_doctor, drsh, bantibanda, acetate
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl, acetate
*Washington U: kos, acetate
*Wayne State University: dreamgirl
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician

*Alabama Baptist: Jok
*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie, acetate
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006,icc
*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl, icc
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, brownie, oxygen, dreamgirl, acetate
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Indiana U: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006, Brownie, acetate
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor
*MGH: oxygen,happy_doctor,patho79,kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate
*Mount Sinai (NY): oxygen, ion, pato79, ustmd2006,happy_doctor,kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami
*Ohio State University: happy_doctor, ustmd2006
*oregon health and science: patho79
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736, acetate
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor, ion
*U Colorado: kos, patho79
*UCSD: patho79
*UCSF: patho79
*U Florida-Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl,
*U of Kentucky (Lexington): icc, Jok, bantibanda
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k, icc, happy_doctor, acetate
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo, 3649736
*U New Mexico: w4c3
*UNC: patho79, dreamgirl
*University of Rochester : happy_doctor
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736, Jok
*U South Florida: Brownie,
*U South Florida (Temple): markwang
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch:oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta, acetate
*U Texas-Houston-oxygen
*U Wisconsin: happy_doctor, jok, dreamgirl
*Vanderbilt: markwang
*wasthington hospital (DC); oxygen, dreamgirl
*WI (Madison): markwang

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Regarding ____Wayne State ___

I think the mixed up things a little. I schedule my IV with them yesterday (by phone) and today got the same sequence of messages and recalls...

The last one stated that they apologize for the misunderstood, and there was no change in my status

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Hi everyone!

I've met Ustmd2006 at Boston University this week! He is very nice! I feel that everybody here is as nice as him. It would be a pleasure to meet you guys. Next week, I'll be in Danbury (monday), Knoxville (wednesday), Memphis (friday). If happens than anybody here interview at same date, it will be my pleasure to meet him/her. Leave me a messae here or student doctor forum!

I look forward to meet you all someday!

Jok, I'm glad you reached your goal. As for me, I'm happy to since mine was have 20% of all my applications - then 12 IV. Got 13 so far and I'm pretty happy for that.

3649736, thanks but I believe that everybody who got at least one IV can be a winner after all - i.e, match to a program!

Congrats for your IV folks!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-09-2007

Ooops.. made a mistake: my rejection is from U of Iowa NOT U Wisconsin....

I'll fix it later