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My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123 - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 04-05-2017

her RR was 10/min, so I thought Dextromethorphan might decrease the respiratory drive further.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-05-2017

* I meant his RR..BTW what's the answer?

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-05-2017

Today was not a productive day. No questions done. Started Paediatrics from MTB but couldn't read much. Hopefully I'll catch up tomorrow! Good night.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017

Starting again with MTB Paediatrics!

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017


1 year—one word mama, dada
18 myths—10 words
2 yrs—2 word sentences
3 yrs—simple 3 word sentences
4 yrs—complex sentences, stories

Gross Motor:
1 yr—walk
15 mths—climb upstairs on hands and knees
2 yr—jump on two feet, walks up and downstairs
3 yr—tricyclic riding, upstairs with alternate feet
4 yrs—hope on 1 foot, alternate feet going downstairs
5 yrs—skipping

Fine Motor:
1 yr—Princer grasp
18 myths—tower of 4 blocks
2 yrs—page turning, copy a line, stacks 6 blocks
3 yrs—stacks 8 blocks, copies circle, undresses, toilet trained (3-3.5 yrs)
4 yrs—Dress self with help, copies+
5 Yrs—copies triangle

9 months—peek-a-boo
1 yr—points at wanted items, dependence on parental figure.
2 yrs—Imitation of household work, possessive(mine!!), “no” is a favourite word!
3 yrs—group play, knows own gender
4 yrs—Imaginary friends, playing “doctor”

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017

Vaccination chart is quite complicated in MTB, I'm trying to simplify it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017


MMR, Varicella:
1st dose—12-15 months
2nd dose(booster)—4-6 yrs

2,4,6 mths
Booster—12-15 mths

Hep A: 12 months

HepB: 0, 1-2, 6-18 months

2,4,6 months
1st booster—15 months
2nd booster— 4-6 yrs
Tdap — 11-12 yrs and every 10 yrs thereafter

2 mth, 4 mth , 6-18 mths, 4-6 yrs.

Meningococcal: 11-12 yrs.

Rotavirus: 2, 4, 6 months

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017

Tell me if there are any corrections.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017

doing some kaplan videos for step 3 on endo.. fascilis is good..
it shows why tests are ordered and what differentials to come up with.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-06-2017

Good Workhard..keep working!