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99/252....someone pinch me!!!! - cd45 - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 01-11-2007

glad to hear that ,gongratulations

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-11-2007

thanks sage, exotic, workhard, usmlenew1, drca

workhard i started studying in jan last year.. but didnt put in much work until august.. studied abt 6-8 hours a day towards the end... did nbme3 got a score of 650. other nbmes did them very radomly.. like a block or two every week.. dont remember the scores they were in the 40s for every block... sorry.
give the test when u are ready to give it.. dont worry abt what other say.. take ur time and study well.. stress on concepts..goodluck

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-11-2007

congrats cd45 and good luck with ur step 2

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-11-2007

Hi CD45,
I have read lot of your messages.U are really too good in studies.I need a sincere advice,i am doing kaplan q bank for the first time and i am scoring 66-70% only,yet to start with usmle world.I think still i am very weak in the theory part,planning to take exam next month.Usually everyone says kaplan is quite easy ,so i think i am stand no where..please give me some tips to put in my efforts in right direction.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-11-2007

congratulations for wesome score

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-12-2007

congrats cd45 .!! here 4 people who missed his ex exp !!
I gave my exam today like a few hours ago as on 29th November 2006

Well exam was pretty manageable.. I was very freaked after all those bad exam experiences that I have read on the forum.
I had about 100 questions which I could mark without thinking but the rest did require a very alert mind. My first two blocks were a mess. I was hyper and the time was hyper both of us were just racing away and well the first two blocks were not a disaster but close to one. After that I did settle down and the next three blocks were a dream. The fatigue settled in during the end of the 5th block, I was dead by the 6th.. but took a nice long 15 min break before I started the last one.

Exam had its own style. Most questions ranged from a 5 liner to a 10-12 liner. The format is closest to NBME, but I do really feel my test was about 20% tougher than NBME or maybe its just the burden of doing 7 blocks. I saw about identical 4-5 NBME questions and 1 question from the USMLE 2006 CD..

I had about 20 familiar questions on the test. The rest were all new. Did have to really think and try to stay as alert as possible as I had about 100 questions which required concepts and concepts and a lot of thinking. I have royally messed up my first 2 blocks and right now I am feeling horrible about it.There was one question on HOX on asso of HOX with uterine anomalies, MOA of pacitaxel on stents postangioplasty ( I did start laughing when I saw this question as I had made this one up a long time ago on the forum.. it came for payaso and then it came for me.. that really tickled my funny bone..the prometric people must have thought I was a lunatic laughing during the test!!!! ), A LOT of endocrine esp diabetes insipidus and SIADH, a lot of pathophys esp on cardiology.. I must have had at least 4-5 cardio graphs, I had question on Eithovens triangle and the leads.. i was always bad at that, the usual high yield questions on MCAD deficiency, McArdles, Achondroplasia and Huntingtons and Neurofibromatosis were all there. Behavioral.. I had the smoking and the yellow teeth! I think that™s usmles favorite questions..hehhee I was hoping it would come for me. I did get one question on the herbal remedies and I am feeling bad as I left the for the end and well then I got to lazy to do them and I do know that I have gotten that question wrong. Few CTS..on most of them i had to locate the caudate lobe /hippocampus. one arteriogram. LOTS OF GRAPHS...LOTS LOTS.
Okk so overall decent exam, BUT I have made a LOT of mistakes.. so please my dear forum don™t expect too much out of me.

Preparation: Kaplan dvds, Kaplan books, goljan patho, usmlerx, usmleworld, Kaplan q bank, NBMEs and th usmle 2006 CD but most importantly at least for me its been the FORUM FORUM and more of the FORUM. I used to self study for about 6 hours a day and well actually spend the rest of my time answering qs on the forum. I could never put in too many hours.. the day I studied too much I would fall sick the next day!

The forum has played a very cruicial role in my preparation, I would have missed out on a lot of important things if it wasn™t for the forum. I also made quite a few friends here.. whom I really value and love a great deal.
A lot of my knowledge is all thanks to Sao and his awesome questions and I would like to start my acknowledgements by thanking him. He is the most awesome person on planet earth. My dear Pashna.. what would I do without her.. pash you know that I value your friendship immensely. Turtle, adrenaline, sharky and indi.. you guys made the last few days of my preparation bearable.. that banter and friendship we shared was something I will always value. To my dear Xmen gang thank you for bearing up with all that I have whined.. you guys were just awesome because I did my fair share of whining I was really chilled the last few days.. slept well, didn™t study too much the last two days and chilled out. My other buddies on the forum malvika, nishi, sage, kashmala, calmer, zido. commissar, shawn, drvirgo, marie99 (ahem! Professor), zarah, doctoria, draashna, mah, amith, its been the most awesome thing solving questions with all of you.. you guys are really wonderful. I am soo blocking right now there are loads of other people I want to thank but I just cant remember names.. guys do excuse me on this.. but I have just finished the test and my minds stopped working.. I was just really excited and well as soon as I came back I did want to thank all the people who helped me. This forum means a great deal to me guys it™s been a very integral part of my learning and well I cant thank everyone enough.

Okk I am dead .cant write any more..
Goodluck to all of you.. I hope everyone does very well and gets into the residency of their dreams.
and hmm right now at this moment I really really wish that i get a decent score so that I can show up on the forum again and i dont have to hide my face in shame Wink)

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-12-2007


0 - ArchivalUser - 01-12-2007

congratulations!!! very happpy for you!

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-12-2007

congrats CD45!

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-12-2007

congratulations CD45,
you really deserev it.
