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0 - ArchivalUser - 09-29-2008

usmle rx links

Physiology (All BUT CNS):

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-29-2008

Thanx for all the hard work u've done posting
all these great info for last time review. I'm sure
u'll be rewarded by this effort. My best wishes for u.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-29-2008

{Manu`s Mnemonics} Collection-(1-150}

{Manu`s mnemonics-1} That Asian Kid said "I am highly aspiring to ride that Kawasaki bike,but after that ride my body is red and hot,am I having MI?...Take me to a Hospital"

{Kawasaki disease-young asian kids,erythema and desquamation of skin and high fever and Hospitalize them and treat them with High-Dose Aspirin and 40% of untreated develop MI later!}


{Manu`s mnemonic-2 }

" I am SICK of Salmon bone getting stuck in my tooth! "

{Salmonella is the MCC of Osteomyelitis in Sickle Cell Disease}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-3}

"After that Strep Fever and Glomerulonephritis,I am Impatient to EAT Honey"

{Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis patients develop these IMPETIGO('impatient') around their nose and MOUTH('EAT') Honey crust lesions-

Rx oral or topical antibiotics!} *******************************************************************

{ Manu `s mnenonincs-4}

"That Al(K)oholic`s pneumonia shows (K)urrant jelly sputum!!!

{Alchoholic`s pneumonia and Currant jelly sputum-indicative of *K* lebsiella! }


{ Manu `s mnemonics-6} (more of a Tongue-Twister)

"She has Sheehan`s after c-section,so she can`t nurse her baby,she wil pee a lot ,so give her pills forever"

{Sheehan`s syndrome-post partum pitutary necrosis after blood loss during delivery and patient is unable to breast-feed!}

Try reading it loudly when nobody is listening{;-) Oh This condition is rare though ,with advanced bleeding control methods though!But if she does develop Diabetes insipidus(she will pee a lot!),she needs life long treatment}

{ Manu `s mnemonic-7}

"BOIL it to get your BIOTIN"

People who eat raw eggs get biotin defieciency chatecterised by Dermatitis ,Eneteritis


{ Manu `s mnemonic-8}

Dextroamphetamine and Methylphenidate for ADHD Rx

In English alphabet ...........

"D" comes first ,so for younger kids (3 years and above)Rx with Dextroamphetamine


for older kids(7 years and older)"M" - Rx with Methylphenidate


{ Manu `s mnemonic-9}

"T.B medications 'RIP'your liver"

{Hepatitis causing drugs used in the treatment of T.B:


***************************************** ***********************

{ Manu `s mnemonic-10}

"ADD Gluco and mineralo to ADDison`s"

Treatment of Addison`s disease : replacement of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids and I.V fluids.

{ Manu `s mnemonic-11}.

4 "P"s of Primary Dysmennorhrea:

P-'P'rimary(cause-not known)

P-'P'rior to menses

P-'P'rostaglandins are thought to be the causative factor

P-oral contracetive 'P'ills helps as Rx (NSAIDs too)
********************************************* *************

{ Manu `s mnemonics-12}

"Honey CAN sink to the Bottom of that bottle"

{Botulism:caused by honey /canned food if given to a child below 1 year of age-causes descending paralysis(sinking to the bottom)

{ Manu `s mnemonic-13}

Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E and G:

Mr.A is Acute..

Mr.B and Mr.D are BaaD twins.

Mr.C is the cunning,cirrhosis and cancer and cryaoglobinuria causing Chronic guy

Mr.E is endemic,enteric guy .

Mr.G is a gift giving good guy:

gift means who donate Blood !

******************************************* *********************

{ Manu `s mnemonic-14}

HPV causes.... "'H'er P/V exam helps visualize Vulvar VIN and Cerical CIN"~

HPV is risk factor for both Vulvar and Cervical Cancer~~The lesions here are VIN(Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasis Lesions and Cerical Intraepithelial Lesion s respectively which indicates good prognosis~ *******************************************************************

{ Manu `s mnemonic-15}- Ovarian Cancer...10

" "Oh Killer Ovarian Cancer,You are full of 'O's!!!"

~'O' shaped-tummy-Increased Abdominal girth

~'O'(zero) precussors- lesions for diagnosis

~'O'-often asymptomatic

~'O'parity “Nulliparity

~'O' (no)screening tests.

~'O'cp is Protective

~'O' -Obstruction of the bowel-cause of death

~'O'-Omentum is affected,so you remove omentum as Rx

~'O'-Ovarian rupture and torsion “complications

~'O'-Ovaries removed-TAH/BSO surgery


{ Manu `s mnemonic-16}..cancer affecting women..

"4 Top to Bottom"remember 4(four)Top most organs

First comes apices of lungs............1.Lung Cancer

Then comes breasts-........... ....... 2.Breast Cancer

Then ascending colon?...................3.Colon Cancer

Last one the End?...................4.Endometrial Cancer

******************************************** ********************
{ Manu `s mnemonic-17}...Roseola Rash pattern

œRose petals open up from Center to periphery

{ Rose colored Rash seen in Roseola first appears on trunk and later spreads outwards to limbs}

This is EXACTLY opposite to the rash pattern seen in Rocky Mountain Spotted fever
{starts from periphery and moves centrally}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-18}...ANOREXICS......




R....p"R"olonged QT interval

E....Euthyroid sick syndrome,Estrogen deficiency mostly (XXs ),X-ray shows multiple stress fractures

I...Induced vomiting problems(callus of the hands,cavities)

C....Cardiac arrythmia,Carotene and Cholesterol level elevated

S...stabilize the electrolytes and Hospitalize.

{ Manu `s mnemonic-19}

"Did you know that Heroin has been Cloned to Hot-flash???"

Heroin withdrawl and Hot-flash treatment is the same -Clonidine!!

*******************************************************************{ Manu `s mnemonic-20}

"Schizo`s Size of the Ventricles in that CT..Wow!"

Schizophrenics have large sized ventricles


{ Manu `s mnemonic-21}

"Buproprion is Bed appropriate"

Buproprion has no sexual side effect.

B.P has to be monitored while giving it for Nicotine addiction Rx.

{ Manu `s mnemonic-22}

"I didn`t remember that terrorizing night forever(4ever)"

Stage 4 sleep ...Night terrors don`t remember that(amnesia)


{ Manu `s mnemonic-23}

'(P)eriods needing (M)otrin are (S)imple!

'(P)eriods (M)entally (D)isabling and (D)epressing need Antidepressants

{PreMenstrual Syndrome needs NSAIDS...PMS

PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder needs Antidepressants as Rx...PMDD}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-24}

For(4) all my 'E'asy going 'P'als:-

"Isn`t it a 'cute hour' of a 'kind day' today?

unlike a weekathesia of Halloween -a Tardy-month"!

{EP-Extrapyramidal symptoms..

aCUTE(4 hour) ..... Acute dystonia

kind day(4 days)..........Akinesia


tardy month(4 months).....Tardive dyskinesia

Halloween.........Haloperidol usualy causes it }

{ Manu `s mnemonic-25}

Diabetes treatment

{"S'ulfonylurea......"S"lim (patients ofcourse)/

"T"hiazolidines......"T"hin patients(same as above)

"M"etformin........."M"ore than average(weight patients...Obese that is) }}

{ Manu `s mnemonic-26}


1...(pro)per treatment for Performance anxiety

2..(pro)tects the heart(beta blockers are Cardioprotective)

3..(pre)treatment of Thyrotoxicosis

4....(pro)phylaxix in Esophageal varices

5Prophylaxis against Migraine Headaches


{ Manu `s mnemonic-27}

"Are you Anxious and PERSpiring?? Take Buspiron!"

{Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is Buspiron}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-28}

"Do you REMember that nightMaRE ??"

{Nightmares occur during REM sleep and patient REMembers it too!}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-29}

"O"lanzapine is "O"besity

œOlanzipine is œOrthostatic hypotension

{side effect of Olanzapine is Wight gain and Orthostatis hypotension}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-30}.SSRI..

(O)h I © Dear! ...

Can you Bulive it?It is take SSRI...!

Are you SSertain?(certain)?? ........but beware of SSeRotonIn syndrome!

{Treatment of OCD ,Bulimia,depression .SSRI(Sertalin)..side effect is Serotonin syndrome if combined with MOAI}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-31}

Bacterial Meningitis...Easy Way of Learning!

Just picture those tiny bacteria :-

eating up SUGAR............................(low glucose)

defaecating in to the CSF............ ......(Cloudy CSF)

WBC fight with these bacteria .............(Increased WBC Count)

because of all these together..................(Increased pressure)

Break-down products of WBCs and Bacteria......(high protein)


{ Manu `s mnemonic-32}. DiGeorge syndrome

You already know CATCH-22 from First Aid...this is extra ...

*Di-means Two`s*

~2-things missing-3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches(for Thymus and Parathyroids)

~2-Both the sexes equally affected

~2-Bifid uvula

~2-tetany 2ndary to Hypocalcemia

~2-Ig A and Ig E affected

~2-heart defects(ASD and VSD)

~2-syndromes(22 q deletion and conotruncal heart defect)

~2- treatments =transplants(Thymic and Bone marrow )


{ Manu `s mnemonic-33}. some side effects

~ CoughtoPRIL ~ Captopril(ACE inhibitors--Cough)

~ InterFluenza ~ Interferon “(Flu like syndrome)

~ Di G.I talis ~ Digitalis ---- (G.I side effects)


{ Manu `s mnemonic-34}.Spider Bite..

"A B C D E F G H "of Spider bite..try singing it!

Spiders have 8 legs ,so 8 alphabets to remember....

"A"ntivenom is needed for

"B"rown recluse`s


"D"apsone can be added if you see


"F'lesh and




{ Manu `s mnemonic-35}.Cause of death (Cervical and Ovarian Ca)

Just picture Cervical location ....on either side there is Right and Left easy to think of Renal Failure

Ovarian cancer spreads to Omentum.....which covers bowel it is Bowel Obstruction
{ Manu `s mnemonic-36}.

Difference between Dematomyositis and Inclusion body myosistis..

"D" comes first (DERMATOMYOSITIS) ,so proximal muscle weakness,

"I" comes next(INCLUSION BODY MYOSITIS ),so distal muscle weakness...

{ Manu `s mnemonic-37}. Felt`y syndrome.

"Wow! I FELT the spleen in this patient with Rhematoid Arthritis,while palpating!!!!!"

{Felt`y syndrome is nothing but patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis developing Spleenomegaly,neutropenia and repeated infections...cause unknown ..

.Rx Spleenectomy helps sometimes}

{ Manu `s mnemonic-38}.Still`s Disease

"Doctor,are you saying that this patient has arthritis,salmon patches,very high fever but NO Rhematoid Factor? and STILL it is Rhematoid Arthritis???? You are right!!"

{Still`s Disease-seen in kids with high fever,salmon patches and joint inflammation BUT there is no Rheumatoid Factor-usually kids are already diagnosed with Juvenile Rhematoid Arthritis and taking treatment for the same....Rx is NSAIDs}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-39}. Pick`s Disease..

"He/she is behaving badly and forgetful and lacks empathy..don`t PICK on him/`s a disease...he/she will die soon anyway!"

{Pick`s Disease-Rare and permanent form of Dementia involving the bitemporal area..patient behaves inappropriately in public,forgets things and lacks personal hygiene and shows speech problems and lacks empathy....progresses slowly and permanently leading to death in 2-10 years after the diagnosis....Mini mental examination -diagnostic along with MRI....Rx- supportive Rx with anticholinergic,antidepressants but NOT curable 100%...Autopsy-Pick cells and Pick bodies seen...D/D...Younger age and personality change differentiates it from Alzhimer`s disease...}


{ Manu `s mnemonic-40}. Intravascular Hemolysis.

***** Mr.Schisto roller-blades inside that TUBE wearing HELMET but gets FRAGMENTED anyway and that blade gets a BITE of his skin********

Microscopic findings in Hemolytic aneamiaSadHere TUBE is Blood vessels)


~Helmet Cells

~Fragmented RBCs

~Bite Cells


{ Manu `s mnemonic-41} .Hurler`s syndrome.

œIf you are an Alpha male and buy the Harley (Davidson Motorcycle) After Rebate(AR) You are Blind and Dumb!!!

Hurler`s syndrome:-

~alpha “L-iduronidase deficiency

~AR(autosomal recessive)

~Blind(corneal clouding)

~Dumb(mental retardation)

{ Manu `s mnemonic-42}. Hunter`s syndrome..........

œHunter has to be clever and keep his eyes open to aim for™X™ and to get himself an I.D

Hunter`s syndrome:-

~CleverNo mental retardation

~Eyes open- No corneal clouding

~˜X™..X linked recessive

~Self. And ID Iduronate sulfate deficiency


{ Manu `s Mnemonic-43}Osgood-schlatter disease

"Osgood will be as good as new,by taking a break/NSAID/Cast"

Osgood-Schlatter Disease :-

~ seen in young people who

~overuse their quadriceps during various sports and develop a

~swelling and inflammation of TT(Tibeal Tuberosity)

~Rx...Rest,NSAIDs and if doesn`t get better ...Casts


{ Manu `s Mnemonic-44} ....Patau Syndrome...

"MR.Patau passed away on 13th of Friday prior to his 1st birthday...had problems with Poly,Palate and Pump"

Genetic diseases:- Patau Syndrome

~MR...Mental retardation

~Trisomy 13th..

~don`t live beyond 1st year of life...

~have Polydactyly

~ Cleft palate

~Heart problems.


{ Manu `s Mnemonic-45}...Edwards Syndrome..

"MR.Edward,Eighteen is not easy for you with that feet and heart,You still ROCK!"

Edward syndrome:-

~MR-Mental Retardation

~Eighteen-Trisomy 18

~(not easy)-they don`t live beyond 1st year of life

~Heart problems

~ROCK-Rocker bottom feet


{ Manu `s mnemonic-46}....Epiglottitis facts....


~E...Examined by anestheologists only in

~E...Emergency Deaprtment

~E...Epiglottis swelling("thumb print "sign)

~E...Ease the breathing by

~E...Endotracheal intubation


{ Manu `s Mnemonic-47}Tay-Sachs disease .

"Mr.Tay-saX has a jewish friend with 30 acres of Cherry plants and 2 GM trucks"

{Another lysosomal storage disease....

~lacks hexosaminidase....

~seen in jewish people.....

~carrier rate 1:30...

~macular Cherry red spot...

~GM-2 ganglioside accumulates...}


{ Manu `s Mnemonic-48} .....Down syndrome

"Let`s ALL go Down and celebrate Simian`s 21st birthday by blowing Double-bubbles and sitting on the Cushion before Alzheimer gets here after 4pm"

~Acute lymphocytic leukemia(ALL)...

~Simian crease..

~Trisomy 21 ....

~Double bubble sign on X-ray(due to dueodenal atresia)

~Cushion...Endocardial cushion defect(ASD)

~Alzheimer`s disease is seen in their 4th decade


{ Manu `s mnemonic-49} .Immunization..

"Deltoid takes œDead,

Intranasa™L™/Ora™L™ is Alive!"

{Killed Vaccines to be given I.M

Intanasal/Oral route for Live vaccines}

Just an example.....

Flu shots given I.M are killed Influenza vaccine,so is SALK polio vaccine whereas Intranasal Flu mist is Live vaccine}


{ Manu `s Mnemonic-50} Egg allergy & Vaccines....

"No Eggs for me,but please add Yellow Mumpkins to my FULL Meal"

DO NOT give these Vaccines to patients with Egg allergy:-

~Yellow fever vaccine


~Full (Flu) vaccine


{Manu`s Mnemonic-51}.Marijuana toxicity ..

..Memory problems


.....Motor coordiantion problems


{Manu`s Mneumonic-52}. Hordeolum.............

. Holds Staph.aureus(pathogen)

...Hard to shut the eyelid(affected)

...Has eyelid pain

..Hot compress-Rx


{Manu`s Mnemonic-53} Chalazion......

Chronic granulomatous lesion

.......Comes back often .

.......Clean the eyelids often(to prevent recurrence)

.......Compress(hot or warm Rx)

.......Corticosteroids intra-lesional -Rx

.....Cut it off(if nothing else works!)

{Manu`s Mnemonic “54}.Free air....


{ If you see Free Air under the diaphragm,it is an indication for surgical Rx}


{Manu`s Mnemonic-55}LSD poisoning....

~~Level of perception distorted(tasting sound/hearing color)

~~LSD Flash-back(think as LCD of your camera!)

~~Long lasting psychosis (later complication)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-56}Pregnancy and UTI.

œShe was pregnant and Furious when she had burning micturition at Night

{treatment of UTI in pregnant patients-Nitrofuratoin}


{Manu`s Mnemonic-57}. Baker`s(Popliteal) Cyst-

œThat Popular Baker has a pouch in his knee pocket

~is a painless ,posterior pouch

~caused by meniscal tear and collection of synovial fluid of knee joint.

~Transillumination test is positive indicating the collection of fluid.

~Usaully it is benign and disappears without treatment even though there is limited range of motion(ROM)

~Treatment is needed only if it becomes painful or increases in size.}


{Manu`s Mnemonic-58}Nikolsky sign.

œChef Nikolsky,please don`t talk shallow,vulgar and hurtful things to Chef Johnson,he already scalded his skin TEN times today

{Nikolsky sign is the separation of epidermis from basal layers with slightest pressure due to the formation of autoantibodies.

~seen in Pemphigus vulgaris

~It is painful and cuased by drugs[Steven-Johnson syndrome](sulfa,phenytoin,valproic acid-life threatening!)

~When it involves more than 30% BSA(body surface area) it is called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis(TEN)

~Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome-caused by Staphylococcus or later by pseudomonas.

~Treatment-early diagnosis and elimination of the offending agent/treatment of infection/plasmapheresis/IVIG


{Manu`s Mnemonic-59}Bacterial Vaginosis

œYou will be Alone and Clueless ,unless you take Metro to reach this Garden with full of Waterfalls and Fish ponds

{Bacterial Vaginosis

~ by Gardernella vaginalis which causes watery vaginal discharge with fishy odor.

~Diagnosis is by finding ˜Clue cells™ in the vaginal discharge.

~Treatment “Metronidazole/Clindamycin for 7 days -

~Sexual partner/s need NOT be treated(patient Alone is treated here

~one of the causes of premature labor)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-60}..Shaken Baby Syndrome.

œShake Shake Baby,Break Break B.V

{Shaken Baby Syndrome-

~It is an indication of Child Abuse !

~When a baby is shaken violently blood vessels(B.V) in the brain and retina rupture leading to Subdural and Retinal hemorrhages .

~Babies can present with lethargy,loss of appetite and coma in severe cases.

~Patient should be taken to OR to stop the bleeding.

~Prognosis is bad and those who recover suffer from permanent neurologic damage and Mental retardation}


{Manu`s mnemonics-61}...Prolactin and Oxytocin.


Prolactin induces the production of milk and Oxytocin helps with the 'Let-down'of milk}


{Manu`s Mnemonic-62}...Prinzmetal`s Angina....

"Prince wears a Crown"

{In Prinzmetal`s Angina we can see ST segment elevation (Crown) }


{Manu`s Mnemonics “63} Breast Cancer Treatment........

œTrust HER!

{Trastuzumab “is used to treat Breast Cancers with HER2/neu receptors.

This drug is a monoclonal antibody specific for HER2/neu receptor }


{Manu`s mnemonic-64}. ..Rx ..Tertiary. syphilis.

......Tertiary Syphilis.......

~'T'ertiary has

~'T'abes dorsalis

~'T'ypical gumma


~'T'endon reflex loss ,needs

~'T'en million units penicillin for

~'T'en days

~'T'hrough the vein(I.V)


{Manu`s Mnemonics-65}..EKG basics..

"Ischemia(angina)(less than 20 minutes)- blood supply down(you fall down ,so is ST segment falls down)ST depression;

Infarction(more than 20 minutes)..death of [muscle tissue -going up to haevan!] ..ST segment elevation "

{Only exception:- Prinzmetal`s angina-ST elevation}


{Manu`s Mnemonics-66}....HIV facts.....

T-cell count

~ Tells you the

~ True picture of HIV as of

~ Today and

~ Therapy guidance.

~ Viral load

~Verifies the

~ Velocity of disease progression and

~ Virus killer measures}

Remember BOTH are inversly proportional to each other!!!

[T-cell >< Viral load]

One goes up---The other one goes down!!


{Manu`s Mnemonics-67} Actinic Keratosis...............

"Actinic Keratosis-Advances to Kancer"

{Actinic keratosis is a premalignant lesion and if not treated can progress to Squamous Cell Cancer}


{manu`s Mnemonics-68} Rash(Soles&Hands)....

"5 rashy fingers and toes"

maculopapular rash involving soles and hands are the following 5:-

1)Secondary Syphilis

2)Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

3)Meningococcal meningitis

4)Kawasaki disease

5) Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


{Manu`s mnemonics-69}....Patent Ductus Arteriosus(PDA).....

"She announced Loudly that she won a Patent for her Duct cleaning Machine in India"

(Patent ductus arterioses-Continous machinery murmur and Loud S2 and seen mainly in females.

Treatment is Indomethacin)


{Manu`s Mnemonics-70}Mitral regurgitation

"My Regurgitation started after I ate food made in that Hollow Pan"

(Mitral regurgitation - pansystolic or holo systolic murmur)


{Manu`s Mnemonics-71}....ECG finding in Atrial Flutter(AF)..................

~'P'eter waved at me while holding that fluttering Saw"

(Sawtooth like 'P' wave is very charecterstic ECG finding in Atrial Flutter )


{Manu`s Mnemonics-72}...Thalassemia..

"Alpha Asians Targeted Bold Mediterraneans in a 'Small 'battlefield with regular Iron swords!"

~ Aplha thalassemia is seen mostly in Asian population...

~ Beta Thalassemia is seen mostly in Mediterraneans...

~ In all the Thalassemia Traits/Diseases you will see 'Target' cells ....

~ Microcytic anaemia is the picture in those who are symptomatic ...('small 'battlefield)

~ Iron studies will be normal despite the microcytic anaemia(thus differentiate it from Iron deficiency anemia)(regular Iron sword)


{Manu`s mnemonics-73}Drug induced SLE.

............................."CHIMPs PIQ".....................

~ C...Chlorpromazine










{Manu`s Mnemonics-74}....SSRI............

...SSRI side effects..

'S'exual 'S'ide effect 'R'ate 'I'ncreased


{Manu`s Mnemonics-75}...Treatment of Unstable Angina and Myocardial Infarction..


~M -Morphine

~O -Oxygen

~N -Nitrates

~A -Aspirin

~A -ACE inhibitors

~B(e) Beta Blockers

~(MIne-Myocardial Infarction)


{Manu`s Mnemonics-76}....Treatment of Hyperlipidemia..


~Initial treatment for Hyperlipidemia is STATINS!


{Manu`s Mnemonics-78}..Normal Grief Reaction...

"D A B S A"

~D -Denial

~A -Anger

~B -Bereavement

~S -Sad

~A - Acceptence


{Manu`s Mnemonic-79}......Teratogenicity of Phenytoin.....

"Phenytoin Rhymes with Hydantoin"

~ Teratogenic side effect of Phenytoin is Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome


{Manu`s Mnemonic-80}.. .Cold agglutinin Induced Hemolytic Anemia.

~CCold agglutinin is nothing but IgM

~C- Develop Cyanosis when exposed to Cold

~C- Rx Chlorambucil and Cyclophophamide

~C- and prevent exposure to Cold!


{Manu`s Mnemonic-81}.General Age distribution in Leukemia

~ALL. A cute Little Lad ( below 15 years of age)

~ AML.(Acute) Mid Life ( 15-60 years of age)

~ CML.(chronic) Mid Life (15-60 years of age)

~ CLL .(chronic) Late Life (after 60 years of age)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-82}.Diagnostic marker for ALL.

œ cALLa antigen is positive in ALL


{Manu`s Mnemonic-83}.. Diagnosis and treatment of AML.

~™ A™ML .so think of ˜A™

~A.Auer Rods ( M3 type)

~A.Rx Arabinoside(AraC)+


All-trans-retinoic “acid derivative(Vit.A)


{Manu`s mnemonic-84}.....Vitamins low in Cow`s milk....

~ Think as 'C'ow 'D'ung!

{ Now easy to remember that Vitamins deficient in Cow`s milk are Vit.C and Vit.D}


{Manu`s mnemonic-85}....Vitamin deficient in Goat`s Milk....

~ Goat is NO Fool!

{Folic acid is low in Goat`s Milk}


{Manu`s Mnemonic-86}.Neonatal Vit.D deficiency causes...

~ Vit.'D',so think it as a 3-D picture(D,D,D)

~Dark skinned

~Dark room(not enough exposure to Sun light)

~Deficiency in the Mother


{Manu`s Mnemonic-87}Another CML clue!

~™C™ for Chromosome association with Philadelphia Chromosome(t 9;22)

~™M™ ..Myeloid series increased

~™L™Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase level decreased


{Manu`s Mnemonic-88}What are ˜B™ symptoms in HL and NHL?.

~ The symptoms are similar to œT.B so these are Night sweats,10% weight loss and fever


{Manu`s Mnemonic-89}HL & NHL clues to diagnosis.

~ Lymphadenopathy in HL is œHigher Level(Cervical ,Supraclavicular and Axillary)

~ Lymphadenopathy in NHL is Not Higher Level (but systemic involvement)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-90}.Howell-Jolly bodies.

œDo you know ,How well I felt without that nasty SPLEEN?"- "Oh, Jolly Good!

~Spleen removes the nucleus of RBCs before releasing them to circulation,so any condtion that causes damage to the Spleen(physical or functional absence)
is seen with inclusion RBCs(Howell-Jolly bodies)

~ seen in trauma,sickle cell disease(autosplenectomy),hemolytic anemia or radiation damage to the spleen


{Manu`s Mnemonic-91}..Subdural Hematoma..

~'S'....Slowly progressing....

~'S'....Shifting of midline structures...

~'S'...Symptomatic ONLY need Surgical evacuation....

~'S'...Seen in chronic alcoholics with repeated head truama/in Senior citizens too..

~'S'...Sponataneous regression if left alone...


{Manu`s Mnemonic-92}Epidural Hematoma..

~'E'pidural is an 'E'mergency!(requires Immediate surgical evacuation)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-93}Endocarditis associated with SLE..

~Rearrange the letters of ˜S™™L™ and ˜E™ to make it L S E- Liebman - Sacks Endocarditis

~ seen in acute disseminated Lupus and is of Atypical variety


{Manu`s Mnemonic “94}...Lyme diease and it`s Cardiac complication..

~ Rearrange the œM of LyMe - sideways ,so it becomes ˜3™

~ So it is 3rd Degree heart block!


{Manu`s Mnemonic “95}..Curling`s Ulcer.

~Curling Iron can burn you badly if you are not careful!

~Curling's ulcer is an acute peptic ulcer of the duodenum resulting as a complication from severe burns when reduced plasma volume leads to sloughing of the gastric mucosa.

{Manu`s Mnemonic “96}..Bruton's agammaglobulinemia.

œBrutally and repeatedly beaten boys in that ˜B™ cell had many infections on X-ray!

~Reapeated infections

~X-linked diease(so seen only in Boys)

~ B-cells low

~Repeated infections,if not treated Fatal!

~Rx..Antibiotics and IVIG

{Manu`s Mnemonic “97}..Fetoscopy

œFetoscopy is more Fatal to the Fetus..

(......than other procedures like CV sampling,Amniocentesis or Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling!)

~ There is a 12% chances of featl loss


{Manu`s Mnemonic “98}..Target Cells


{Target cells seen in these following conditions:-

~H Hemolytic anemia/Hemoglobin C disease


~LLiver diseases(Obstructive types)



{Manu`s Mnemonic “99}....ACE Inhibitors (side effects)


~CCough/Contraindicated in Hyperkalemia

~EEnalapril (induces Acute Renal Failure)


{Manu`s Mnemonic “100}. Fanconi`s anemia and Fanconi`s Syndrome..

~Fanconi`s ANEMIA..Think of Anemia + decreased number of all other blood cells

~Fanconi`s SYNDROME..

{ Just look at sY ndrome “œY looks like two ureters converging in to join the

Bladder (so KIDNEY related)

It is due to mutation which causes the kidney to lose Amino

acids,glucose,magnesium,phosphate,Bicarbonates and other nutrients.}


{Manu`s Mnemonic-101}.. Oral Rehydration solutions with Na+(Sodium) content..

Alphabetical order helps!

~Pedialyte.45 mM

~Rehydralyte..75 mM

~WHO rehydrating solution90 mM


{Manu`s Mnemonic-102}..Major Depression.

~~~~~Remember the number™6™!

~ 6 months of symptoms needed for diagnosis.

~6 weeks of treatment(antidepressants) to take action.

~6 months of treatment needed.

~6-12 sessions of ECT is needed for remote cases.


{Manu`s Mnemonic-103}..Parkinson`s Disease.

~~~~~~In a PARK drink COLA and sit DOWN~~~~~~

~Parkinson`s Disease has High Cholinergic and Low Dopaminergic level


{Manu`s Mnemonic-104}..Treatment Age-wise.

~™L™ess than 60..™L™evodopa/Carbidopa

~™A™fter 60 .™A™mantidine


{Manu`s Mnemonic-105}..Treatment of Severe Bradykinesia.

~If person can not walk at all,you need 2 people [Carbidopa/Levodopa] to help!


{Manu`s Mnemonic-106}..Craniopharyngioma..

~C hild`s

~C ystic

~C holesterol filled

~C alcified

~C ell of Squamous origin

~C ranial mass on

~C T/MRI is

~C raniopharyngioma

~ deC ompress surgically(Rx)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-107} .Pyromania.

œ Fire-o-mania ......... Pyromania!

{It is a disorder in which the person gets pleasure in setting things on fire }


{Manu`s Mnemonic-108}Euthyroid sick syndrome..

œE turned sideways(reverse it!) becomes œ3,so think of rT3 level increased

(T4,TSH and other values will be normal here)


[Manu`s Mnemonic-109}..Genetic Anticipation.

œFragile Triplets Hunt in Anticipation

~Fragile-X syndrome and Huntington`s disease have Triplet repeats and show Genetic Anticipation(successive generation develps the disease much earlier than their parents)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-110}Capsule Endoscopy

œIt`s a Small Capsule,swallow it man!

(Capsule Endoscopy is the only technique that is available right now to detect Small bowel pathology)


{ Manu`s Mnemonic-120}......Teratogenic Drugs..........

These Maternal "FATS" are teratogens!!





{Though topical Metronidazole use is still controversial ,oral Metronidazole is probably teratogenic}


{ Manu`s Mnemonic-121}....Congenital Rubella....

"That deaf and dumb Cat ate my blueberry muffin and stepped on my PDA"


~Dumb....Mental Retardation


~Blueberry Muffin...type of skin lesion seen

~PDA........Patent Ductus Arteriosus

..."Cat ate"(for ate think/read as "8 ",so during first 8 weeks the chances of infection is more)


{ Manu`s Mnemonic-122}...Dexamethasone suppression Test..

........Dexamethasone suppression Test for Cushing`s....

~Very easy to remember!

~If gets suppressed------------------------------> Normal

~If doesn`t get suppressed with (L)ow dose----> (L)ower level problem....Adrenal glands

~If Gets suppressed with (H)igh dose--------->problems at (H)igher level--->Pitutary glands

~If doesn`t get suppressed at all,at any dose...> (EXTRA) problem----->Ectopic Cushing`s


{ Manu`s Mnemonic-123} ......Hyperpigmentation causing Drugs and Conditions....

"FUN MAGIC DABS turn your skin dark"


~U...Urinary(Renal)failure/ L(U)ng cancer

~N...Niacin(causes Acanthosis Nigricans)



~G...Gold/ Gestation

~I....Iron excess/Insulin resistence



~A.....Addison`s disease/ACTH excess


~S...Stomach Cancer/Sunlight


{ Manu`s Mnemonic “124}Gatifloxacin

~remember ˜G™a™T™ifloxacin

~Major side effect was.> Glucose Tolerance problems

~ It is a 4th generation fluoroquinolone used to treat Community aquired pneumonia and has black-box warning regarding it`s side effect Hypo/Hyperglycemia in Diabetics

Now it is used only as Ophthalmic drops for eye infections


{ Manu`s Mnemonic “125} Treatment of Status Epilepticus

.Benefits of these drugs in Rx of Status Epilepticus.

~FosphenytoinFaster action

~LorazepamLonger duration of action

~Diazepam..Different routes of administration



{ Manu`s Mnemonic “126}.Croup..

~ Caused by ˜Groups™of infectious agents..

(Para influenza Type-1,2 and 3)

~ ˜Groups™of people are seen in the history..

(many family members are usually affected)


{ Manu`s Mnemonic “127}Dilated Cardiomyopathy

~Dilated Cardiomyopathy .

.> Downward progression

..>Death(if not treated)..

..>Defibrillators(treatment of choice)


{ Manu`s Mnemonic “128}Wiskott Aldrich syndrome..

MR.BETT is Wise and Rich!.

~M.Decreased Ig M

~R.Recurrent infections

~B.Decreased B-cells


~T.Decreased T-cells



{ Manu`s Mnemonic-129}.....PTU.....

......Propylthiouracil (PTU)....

~P regnant?

~T hyroid(excess)?

~U se this"

Propylthiouracil (PTU) is the drug of choice in treating Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy(Methimazole crosses placenta-so not given here)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-131}Myasthenia Gravis

(E)ffective (M)yasthenia (G)ravis....diagnosis

~Electromyography(EMG) is the confirmatory test for Myasthenia Gravis


{Manu`s Mnemonic-132}.....Routine Prenatal Visits.......

**************** 30-30 /36-2+1/36=6+1 ************

~First 30 weeks ....once in 30 days (30/30)

~From weeks 30-36....once in 2 or 3 weeks(36=2+1)

~After 36th week ......once in 7 days(6+1)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-133}Infliximab

"(IN)fliximab needs (IN)H"

~Treatment of acute exacerbation of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases like Chron`s sometimes needs Infliximab(I.V) especially during remission/fistula formation

But since it can cause reactivation of Pumonary TB patient should undergo a PPD test during the treatment and if comes postive ,needs treatment with INH(with pyridoxine-Vit B6)


{ Manu`s Mnemonic-134}...AD and AR...

Autosomal Dominant.....(A)natomic (D)efect

Autosomal RecessivE.....(A)bsent ®equired (E)nzymes

*****Self explanatory***


{Manu`s Mnemonic-135}...ROB.....

"Mr.Phil (53) was ROBbed last night while walking back home"

~Mr.Phil........p(short arm)

~53.............Chromosome number 53



~B................Breast Ca

~another meaning of robbed is deletion(after mutation)


{Manu`s Mnemonic-136}....Cisplatin side effect.....

"Don`t use your Platinum card at any ATM(N)s"

~Cisplatin(Platinum) causes Acute Tubular Necrosis


{Manu`s Mnemonic-137}....SLE antibodies....

"SLEepy ANA sang her newborn"ROw ROw ROw your boat" even with that DRUG(abuse)HISTORY!!" confirmed Ms.SMith

~Initial(screening) test.....>ANA(AntiNuclear Antibody)

~Newborns with SLE........>Anti Ro

~Drug induced SLE .........>Anti Histone

~Confirmatory test by..........>Anti Sm


{Manu`s Mnemonic-138}....Estrogen(types and sources)...

~EstrONE.........>'Fatty ONE'(After menopause..source-'Fat 'cells)

~EstraDiol..........>'diALL '(seen in women 'ALL' the time...during reproductive duration)
Follicular and Granulosa cells)

~EsTRIol...........>'TRI' there are 3 'tri'mesters in Pregnancy(seen only during that)

from Placenta and Fetal adrenals


{Manu`s Mnemonic 139}...Bone tumors & Locations...

Think of an employee form 'GE' enetring the 'ED' after met with an accident,with multiple huge lacerations and everybody around him saying 'Oh My!' ......

~GE........'G'iant cell tumors arise from 'E'piphysis....

~ED.........'E'wing`s sarcomas arise from 'D'iaphysis....

~OM.........'O'steosarcomas arise from 'M'etaphysis...

{Manu`s Mnemonic 140}....Lead poisoning......

"Lead is a Metal"

~Lead lines seen in the (Met)aphysis.....

In Lead poisoning when the blood lead level reaches 70-80 mg/dl these bands appear in the metaphysis of long bones and one of the diagnostic findings on X-ray ...


{Manu`s Mnemonic-141}...Rx of Coccaine induced MI...

"After that episode of MI,Cathy BANned coccaine from her house"

~MI....Myocardial infarction.... for Cardiac catheterization...




{ Manu`s Mnemonic-142}.......Streptococcus viridans......

************ Streptococcus viridans ************************

~Virulence .....Low


~Valve they affect.......Abnormal


~Very good .......................prognosis!


{ Manu`s Mnemonic 143}......Trichuris trichiura...........

*********Trichuris trichiura(Whip worm) *******

" Doesn`t it sound like you are repeating the same word Trichuris,Trichuris?"

~Children affected by this develop 'Repeated 'diarrhea and develop Rectal prolapse...


{ Manu`s Mnemonic 144}.....Measles...........

"I see,you see MANY 'C's of Measles"!





~Cervical Lymphadenopathy

~Coryza(blocked or runny nose)

~C(K)oplik`s spot(red spot on the inside of buccal mucosa)

~Corneal ulceration & scarring(if the conjuntivitis is not treated early with Vit.A!!!)

~Combined Immunization with MMR is the ONLY preventive method available .......


{ Manu`s Mnemonic 145}.......Circumstantiality .....

"For Circumstantiality remember drawing a Circle!"

~While drawing a Circle,we start at one point ,move away and ultimatley we come back to where we started originally!

~So is Circumstantiality!....this is seen especailly with Schizophrenia, where the patient talks about something and talks irrelevant and gives as excessive amont of detail and ultimately comes back to the original subject.


{Manu`s mnemonics-146}..............Normal Ejection Fraction(EF)..................

'E''F'....look closely and if it looks like 'F''F' you are right!

~FiveFive or Fiftyfive (55% )it is!!

Normal Ejection Fraction is healthy adults is between 55-70%


{ Manu`s mnemonics-147}..........Lithium poisoning.................................

~Lithium`s Lethal dose ('L' looks like 4?) is 4 meq/L(Nephrotoxic)

~treatment is Emegency Dialysis.....

{ Manu`s Mnemonics-148}...................beta HCG Facts...............

~beta HCG counts "2x 10=20 "

*********** 2x10=20 ********

~2 days is it`s doubling time

~10 days is the appearence time(in the blood)

~10th week is the Peak level time...

~20 weeks ...blood level lowering time.....


{ Manu`s Mnemonics-149}........Complex seizures.................

~©omplex loses ©onsciousness Temporarily and partially but loves ©arbamazepine...

Complex partial siezures affect Temporal lobes,person loses consciousness and drug of choice is Carbamazepine


{ Manu`s Mnemonics-150}.......Petit mal Epilepsy.........

"Think of a Petite( short) '3 'year old girl staring/blinking absent mindedly"

~Petit mal epilepsy

~Absence seizures(another name)

~seen in children (3 years or older)

~just blinking/staring/eye movements...symptoms...

~3-Hz spike-and-wave EEG pattern ...100% diagnostic

~3...turn it it is 'E' now...Rx is (E)thosuccimide


Please don`t depend on these mnemonics alone!

Use these as memory aids ONLY along with your own notes and share these with your friends if you find these useful.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-29-2008

i have never seen such a wonderful girl like u in my whole life at words to express.
i really wish i should be ur friend .
not only 99 ,for ur great soul ,u r going to get whatever u like in ur life.
u don't need any blessing ,coz GOD IS WITHIN U my friend[can i call u like that]
i am a mom of 3 yr old girl,i wish my kid should be like u .

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-29-2008

i am honored. thanks. God is in everyone of us. i am praying for ur daughter. Inshallah she will be far better human being than me and lot of peple will be benefitted from her. At the end, its the good wish of people which we take and bank, everything else is puff, my friend.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-30-2008

{Alveoli`s Mnemonics-Collection}
alveoli - 04/30/08 00:13

{Alveoli`s mnemonics-1} That Asian Kid said "I am highly aspiring to ride that Kawasaki bike,but after that ride my body is red and hot,am I having MI?"

{Kawasaki disease-young asian kids,erythema and desquamation of skin and high fever and treat them with High-Dose Aspirin and 40% of untreated develop MI later!}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-2 }

" I am SICK of Salmon bone getting stuck in my tooth! "

{Salmonella is the MCC of Osteomyelitis in Sickle Cell Disease}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-3}

"After that Strep Fever and Glomerulonephritis,I am Impatient to EAT Honey"

{Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis patients develop these IMPETIGO('impatient') around their nose and MOUTH('EAT') Honey crust lesions-

Rx oral or topical antibiotics!} *********************************************************************

{Alveoli`s mnenonincs-4}

"That Al(K)oholic`s pneumonia shows (K)urrant jelly sputum!!!

{Alchoholic`s pneumonia and Currant jelly sputum-indicative of *K* lebsiella! }


{Alveoli`s mnemonics-6} (more of a Tongue-Twister)

"She has Sheehan`s after c-section,so she can`t nurse her baby,she wil pee a lot ,so give her pills forever"

{Sheehan`s syndrome-post partum pitutary necrosis after blood loss during delivery and patient is unable to breast-feed!}

Try reading it loudly when nobody is listening{;-) Oh This condition is rare though ,with advanced bleeding control methods though!But if she does develop Diabetes insipidus(she will pee a lot!),she needs life long treatment}

{alveoli`s mnemonic-7}

"BOIL it to get your BIOTIN"

People who eat raw eggs get biotin defieciency chatecterised by Dermatitis ,Eneteritis


{alveoli`s mnemonic-8}

Dextroamphetamine and Methylphenidate for ADHD Rx

In English alphabet ..........."D" comes first ,so for younger kids (3 years and above)Rx with Dextroamphetamineand

for older kids(7 years and older)"M" - Rx with Methylphenidate


{alveoli`s mnemonic-9}

"T.B medications 'RIP'your liver"

{Hepatitis causing drugs used in the treatment of T.B:


***************************************** ***********************

{alveoli`s mnemonic-10}

"ADD Gluco and mineralo to ADDison`s"

Treatment of Addison`s disease : replacement of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids and I.V fluids.

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-11}.

4 "P"s of Primary Dysmennorhrea:

P-'P'rimary(cause-not known)

P-'P'rior to menses

P-'P'rostaglandins are thought to be the causative factor

P-oral contracetive 'P'ills helps as Rx (NSAIDs too)
********************************************* *************

{Alveoli`s mnemonics-12}

"Honey CAN sink to the Bottom of that bottle"

{Botulism:caused by honey /canned food if given to a child below 1 year of age-causes descending paralysis(sinking to the bottom)

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-13}

Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E and G:

Mr.A is Acute..

Mr.B and Mr.D are BaaD twins.

Mr.C is the cunning,cirrhosis and cancer and cryaoglobinuria causing Chronic guy

Mr.E is endemic,enteric guy .

Mr.G is a gift giving good guy:

gift means who donate Blood !

******************************************* *********************

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-14}

HPV causes.... "'H'er P/V exam helps visualize Vulvar VIN and Cerical CIN"~

HPV is risk factor for both Vulvar and Cervical Cancer~~The lesions here are VIN(Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasis Lesions and Cerical Intraepithelial Lesion s respectively which indicates good prognosis~ ************************************************************************

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-15}- Ovarian Cancer...10

" "Oh Killer Ovarian Cancer,You are full of 'O's!!!"

~'O' shaped-tummy-Increased Abdominal girth

~'O'(zero) precussors- lesions for diagnosis

~'O'-often asymptomatic

~'O'parity “Nulliparity

~'O' (no)screening tests.

~'O'cp is Protective

~'O' -Obstruction of the bowel-cause of death

~'O'-Omentum is affected,so you remove omentum as Rx

~'O'-Ovarian rupture and torsion “complications

~'O'-Ovaries removed-TAH/BSO surgery


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-16}..cancer affecting women..

"4 Top to Bottom"remember 4(four)Top most organs

First comes apices of lungs............1.Lung Cancer

Then comes breasts-........... ....... 2.Breast Cancer

Then ascending colon?...................3.Colon Cancer

Last one the End?...................4.Endometrial Cancer

******************************************** ********************
{Alveoli`s mnemonic-17}...Roseola Rash pattern

œRose petals open up from Center to periphery

{ Rash seen in Roseola first appears on trunk and later spreads outwards to limbs}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-18}...ANOREXIC ......




R....p"R"olonged QT interval

E....Euthyroid sick syndrome,Estrogen deficiency mostly (XXs ),X-ray shows multiple stress fractures

I...Induced vomiting problems(callus of the hands,cavities)

C....Cardiac arrythmia,Carotene and Cholesterol level elevated

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-19}

"Did you know that Heroin has been Cloned to Hot-flash???"

Heroin withdrawl and Hot-flash treatment is the same -Clonidine!!

*********************************************************************{Alveoli`s mnemonic-20}

"Schizo`s Size of the Ventricles in that CT..Wow!"

Schizophrenics have large sized ventricles


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-21}

"Buproprion is Bed appropriate"

Buproprion has no sexual side effect.

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-22}

"I didn`t remember that terrorizing night forever(4ever)"

Stage 4 sleep ...Night terrors don`t rember that(amnesia)


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-23}

'(P)eriods needing (M)otrin are (S)imple!

'(P)eriods (M)entally (D)isabling and (D)epressing need Antidepressants

{PreMenstrual Syndrome needs NSAIDS...PMS

PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder needs Antidepressants as Rx...PMDD}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-24}

For(4) all my 'E'asy going 'P'als:-

"Isn`t it a 'cute hour' of a 'kind day' today?

unlike a weekathesia of Halloween -a Tardy-month"!

{EP-Extrapyramidal symptoms..

aCUTE(4 hour) ..... Acute dystoni

akind day(4 days)..........Akinesia


tardy month(4 months).....Tardive dyskinesia

Halloween.........Haloperidol usualy causes it }

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-25}

Diabetes treatment

{"S'ulfonylurea......"S"lim (patients ofcourse)

"M"etformin........."M"ore than average(weight patients...Obese that is) }}

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-26}


1...(pro)per treatment for Performance anxiety

2..(pro)tects the heart(beta blockers are Cardioprotective

3..(pre)treatment of Thyrotoxicosis

4....(pro)phylaxix in Esophageal varices


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-27}

"Are you Anxious and PERSpiring?? Take Buspiron!"

{Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is Buspiron}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-28}

"Do you REMember that nightMaRE ??"

{Nightmares occur during REM sleep and patient REMembers it too!}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-29}

"O"lanzapine is "O"besity

{side effect of Olanzapine is wieghtgain}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-30}

(O)h I © Dear! ...

Can you Bulive it?It is take SSRI...!

Are you SSertain?(certain)?? ........but beware of SSeRotonIn syndrome!

{Treatment of OCD ,Bulimia,depression .SSRI(Sertalin)..side effect is Serotonin syndrome if combined with MOAI}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-31}

Bacterial Meningitis...Easy Way Learning!

Just picture those tiny bacteria :-eating up SUGAR(low glucose)
defaecating in to the CSF (Cloudy CSF)

WBC fight with these bacteria (Increased WBC Count)

because of all these together(Increased pressure)

Break-down products of WBCs and Bacteria(high protein)


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-32}. DiGeorge syndrome

You already know CATCH-22 from First Aid...this is extra ...

*Di-means Two`s*

~2-things missing-3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches(for Thymus and Parathyroids)

~2-Both the sexes equally affected

~2-Bifid uvula

~2-tetany 2ndary to Hypocalcemia

~2-Ig A and Ig E affected

~2-heart defects(ASD and VSD)

~2-syndromes(22 q deletion and conotruncal heart defect)

~2- treatments =transplants(Thymic and Bone marrow )


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-33}. some side effects

~ CoughtoPRIL ~ Captopril(ACE inhibitors--Cough)

~ InterFluenza ~ Interferon “(Flu like syndrome)

~ Di G.I talis ~ Digitalis ---- (G.I side effects)


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-34}.Spider Bite

"A B C D E F G H "of Spider bite..

Spiders have 8 legs ,so 8 alphabets to remember....

{ "A"ntivenom is needed for

"B"rown recluse`s


"D"apsone can be added if you see


"F'lesh and

"G'angrenous "H"alo}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-35}.Cause of death (Cervical and Ovarian Ca)

Just picture Cervical location ....on either side there is Right and Left easy to think of Renal Failure

Ovarian cancer spreads to Omentum.....which covers bowel it is Bowel Obstruction
{Alveoli`s mnemonic-36}.

Difference between Dematomyositis and Inclusion body myosistis..

"D" comes first (DERMATOMYOSITIS) ,so proximal muscle weakness,

"I" comes next(INCLUSION BODY MYOSITIS ),so distal muscle weakness...

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-37}. Felt`y syndrome.

"Wow! I FELT the spleen in this patient with RA!!!!!"

{Felt`y syndrome is nothing but patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis developing Spleenomegaly,neutropenia and repeated infections...cause unknown ..
.Rx spleenectomy helps sometimes}

{Alveoli`s mnemonic-38}.Still`s Disease

"Dr.Xim,are you saying that this patient has arthritis,salmon patches,very high fever but NO RF? and STILL it is RA???? You are right!!"

{Still`s Disease-seen in kids with high fever,salmon patches and joint inflammation BUT there is no Rheumatoid Factor-usually kids are already diagnosed with JRA and taking treatment for the same....Rx is NSAIDs}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-39}. Pick`s Disease

"He/she is behaving badly and forgetful and lacks empathy..don`t PICK on him/`s a disease...he/she will die soon anyway!"

{Pick`s Disease-Rare and permanent form of Dementia involving the bitemporal area..patient behaves inappropriately in public,forgets things and lacks personal hygiene and shows speech problems and lacks empathy....progresses slowly and permanently leading to death in 2-10 years after the diagnosis....Mini mental examination -diagnostic along with MRI....Rx- supportive Rx with anticholinergic,antidepressants but NOT curable 100%...Autopsy-Pick cells and Pick bodies seen...D/D...Younger age and personality change differentiates it from Alzhimer`s disease...}


{Alveoli`s mnemonic-40}. Intravascular Hemolysis.

***** Mr.Schisto roller-blades inside that TUBE wearing HELMET but gets FRAGMENTED anyway and that blade gets a BITE of his skin********

Microscopic findings in Hemolytic aneamiaSadHere TUBE is Blood vessels)


~Helmet Cells

~Fragmented RBCs

~Bite Cells

Please don`t depend on these mnemonics alone,after your studies if you can not remember some facts, then these come handy!Goodluck to you all!Thanks!

Report Abuse

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-30-2008

Hello dear friends, i cant believe its time I would write this..have been waiting for the exam to get over and now it has and here I am! Sorry for not writing immediately...i was/am back on the bed with an extremely severe backache after the exam and though I had planned to go away for the last 2 days...couldn't do that on account of my backache. I shall write whatever i can right now and write some more tomorrow as I cant sit for long.
This was one of the most surreal experienes of my life...all your struggles,hard work and apprehensions..and then boom,boom--8 hours slip by in a flash!
I reached the center early..and my center staff was just thru the permit,id's, and started at 9:15 sharp I had a quick review of the tutorial and then did the first 2 blocks without a break.The first block was doable..not easy and not that tough..seemed to focus on antimicrobials with emphasis on pneumonias,some complicated drug interactions,MOA of neoplastic{favourite was doxorubicin and vincristine},4-5 Cts on lower limb lesions-knee joint hit posteriorly,ankle sprains and abdomen{which i think i messed up thoroughly--i knew the answers but couldn't place them on the CT],childhood infections{one was Kawasaki}, and tricky behavioural questions-u literally come down to 2 choices and then pick one and move on.There was one about a woman whoc had post partum depression and could not bond with the baby--what would u advise the husband??
Second was extremely tough---i felt like i was in a zoo---lots of mice,deer ,baboons--all involving gene expressions and very much at the molecular level...I have guessed for about 90% of this blockand felt really bad after it ended.Took a 10 minute break and started my 3 rd--this one seemed okay...patho with micro,patho with immuno...lots of integrations{Goljan is great!}...heavy focus on cardio--know atherosclerosis,all kinds of cardiomyopathies,know murmurs really well, 2 questions on fetal circulation with a picture ,ARDS with question on compliance,slides{excellant quality} on malaria,anemias with lab value interpretation.cant remember more from this one.
4th and 5th block were the toughest of all---its not that u dont know but u dont know enough..guys..they go really deep on the concepts..hads tons of physio and lots and lots of arrow questions--effects of drugs,ventilator settings, lots of q's on physiology of pregnancy _again i was stuck between 2-3 choices a sthe questions are so well worded, it just got hard to pick one},lots of anatomy--i knew the answers but unfortunately..again to choose them on the CT/MRI---I had lots and lots of CTS/MRIS/SLIDES---heavy emphasis on pictorial diagnosis and i felt so bad that never revised theCT before the exam..Very simple biostats-case control,corelations,just 2 calculations on PPV,sensittivity.
Sorry guys, have to go now.I am using a laptop on the bed and cant go for long..need to take a break but shall definitely post much,much more tomorrow..thank you my dear friends for all your prayers,good wishes and help..i love you all and God bless each and evry one of you and help you to reach your silver lining.Shall bebback tomorow.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-30-2008

I just got done taking the test on monday and I feel that USMLEWORLD were more like the style of questions that you saw on the test however USMLEWORLD was so much harder then the step.
USMLErx is a great review because everything that is tested on in USMLErx is on the test just not asked in that format.
Kaplan q bank is going to be your best bet on seeing where you stand because so many people have done this q bank and where you are on on your avg is pretty solid as how you should score on the real exam.
I did the kaplan class and found it helpful.
now the test. (everyone already knows to have breakfast and go in with a goodnight sleep so no need to talk about that)
once I got into to the test I felt really comfortable I got fairly easy first two sections and then I had a hard 3rd section so I took a break. after my break I went in and my 4th and 5th section were actually pretty hard to, took a break in between both of those. kinda worried after that. but the 6th and 7th blocks were pretty easy. when I walked out I thought it was a fairly good test. it was definitely a fair test, there were no trick questions or trick answers.
kinda sad whenever I left, I went through first aid and missed like 14 questions I was sooooooooooo bummed made me really upset. OHHH by the way DO FIRST AID AT LEAST 65% of the questions comes out of the first aid. so definitely look through that.

2 cohort study questions
a confounding bias question
sampling bias question
sensitivity question
attributable risk question
Type 1 error question
Child abuse question
variable ratio question
rRNA is the most abundant question
Exons are expressed question
where on tRNA does the anticodon bind
Restriction enzyme question
a Lac Operon question
Competitive inhibitor question
2 Cell Cycle questions
Golgi is where O-Oligosaccarides are added
microtubule question
Collagen is seen in granulation tissue question
immunohistochemical stain of cytokeratin question
Glycolysis is metabolized in the cytoplasm
NADPH oxidase def. question
citrate regulates glycolysis
rate limiting enzyme in heme synthesis
what enzyme is in gluconeogenesis question
2 G6PD questions
Lactase def. question
cystathione cynthase def question
maple syrup urine disease question
SCID question
where is insulin uptake question
Pompes dx. question
Ketone bodies in DKA
Medium Chain Acetyl CoA question
2 LDL questions
how does lead poisoning affect heme
CO2 transport in blood
Imprinting question
Anticipation question
Hardy Weinberg question
Neurofibromatosis question
2 cystic fibrosis questions (1. what transporter, and what dx can you get)
myotonic dystrophy is trinucleotide repeat
LHON is mitochondrial
Vitamin B6 question
Vitamin B12 question
monopygotic twin question
allantois is median umbilical ligament
Buccinator pushes cheek up against your molars
DAMN question- CN 7 via solitary nucleus (how do I forget that)
Double cervix caused by
Double Uterus caused by
Testes are paraaortic
what artery does testes get blood supply from
viral growth phase chart
Endotoxin questino
Mycobacteria stain
Chlamydia stain
Corynebacteria and EF-2
Haemophilus influenza question
Strep viridans not bile soluble
Salmonella question
a lot of Pseudomonas questions
PAS stain question
Conjugation question
CMV and a MONO question
Genital Warts question
about 9 questions on micro drugs
Thymus site of T cell maturation
where on the antibody structure does the light chain have a disulfide bond ( such a gay question)
IL-1 question
B27 know
Acute rejection question
know minoxidil also give a B-blocker with it
Zero order elimination question
bethanachol question
physostigmine question
2 alpha-1 blocker questions
what drug pheochromocytoma
Erythromyocin cyp inhibitor
Cardiac cycle question
ventricular fibrillation question (EKG)
capillary fluid exchange question (lymph movement)
cause of AAA
Visibility under microscope after MI
Cardiac Tamponade question
Na channel blocker that increases QT
2 Graves dx questions
Papillary thyroid cancer question
Carcinoid syndrome question
Glucocorticoid question
Right hepatic artery supplies what part of liver
Parietal cells secrete HCL
Meckels diverticulum question
Whipples dx. question
Type A gastritis
duodenal ulcer feels better after food
stomach cancer question
colorectal risk factors
Gilberts dx
Hepatocellular carcinoma (cause)
Thalassemia question
Hodgkins reed sternberg
2 warfarin questions
Thrombolytic question
Methotrexate and leucovorin
Bleomycin question
Vincristine and neurotoxicity
ATP release cross bridge
osteocyte in osteomalacia
Gout crystals
Temporal Artertis question
PAN question
Colchicine acute gout

Well you guys are starting to get the hint. there were a lot of tough questions on the test. but I hope I finally got through the test.

about 40% path
20% physio
20% Behavioral
10% micro and immuno
10% Biochem and Molecular

That about covers it, pray for me guys and good luck studying
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0 - ArchivalUser - 09-30-2008

thx for all your post Rizowana... wishing you a 99...goodluck for the results...dont worry about the 14 q's too much...

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-30-2008

Dear Rizowana,
All the best for the exam, God will bless you with the best score, 99 as i believe. Donot worry about any questions that you couldnt answer or etc, just relax and cherish the present moments.

Thank you so much for sharing your exam experience, its so nice of you. Take care of your back :-) and recover soon,

k then, have a nice time, start preparing for next steps,