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I am also weak in Beh. & Genteics - drfuture - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 04-07-2012

Q a pateint with hartnup induced pellagra can be treated with?

1. Tryptophane to produce Niacin
2. Niacin only
3. amino acid restriction

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-07-2012

Molecular biology 1...Q
maryam2009 - 12/23/11 19:33

A researcher has designed a study in which she will compare the variability of alleles for two hundred genes on four chromosomes between two populations: two thousand children with low-functioning autism and two thousand children with no developmental or other disorder. Which tool will be the most useful for identifying allele variability?

A.Allele-specific oligonucleotide probes
B.DNA hybridization chips
C.Small interfering RNA
D.Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
E.Variable number tandem repeats

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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
luckyluke - 12/23/11 19:40

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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
surela - 12/23/11 19:56

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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
sarim - 12/23/11 20:03

AA ?
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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
kindmd - 12/23/11 20:10


Explain the answer plz....
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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
maryam2009 - 12/23/11 20:21

The correct answer is D.

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms.RFLP's are useful when a researcher is looking for genetic variabilty

Allele-specific oligonucleotide probes (A) is used to identify a particular mutation,, or to count chromosomes.

B is used to identify a set of single nucleotide’s most commonly used to measure gene expression in certain cells or tissues.

siRNAs © would be used to modulate gene expression at the transcriptional/post-transcriptional level.

VNTRs (E) are used for DNA fingerprinting
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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
samideb12 - 12/23/11 20:21

?? allele specific oligonucleotide probe
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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
papilio - 12/23/11 21:17

thanks for the great question and explanation
Your exam must be near
Best of luck
God bless you
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* Re:Molecular biology 1...Q
maryam2009 - 12/23/11 21:43

You are welcome

Still working Smile
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0 - ArchivalUser - 04-07-2012

Re:I am also weak in Beh. & Genteics
drfuture - 04/07/12 10:41

Q3 a 2 years old female is presented to u by her mother with Mnetal retardation growth failure on exam she is fair skinned blondy which is not the case in both of her parents , lab values show normal phenlalanine hydroxylase level and high prolactin. which of the following substances she is very likely deficient in?

a. Ach
b. serotonin
c. glucose
d. ketones

patient have Phenyl ketonuria so this patient very likely has BH4 deff or Dihydrobiopterine reductase deff. which is one of the uncommon cause of PKU bcause his phenylalanine hydroxylase level is normal

BH4 is a prerequisite for serotonin synthesis from tryptophan

Answer B

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-08-2012

Q6 A 1 year old mentally retarded patient with several hospital admission with hypoglycemia presents to you with a positive Clinitest but a negative Urine dipstick for sugar? the patient most likely have?

a. Glucosuria
b. Hereditary fructose intolreance
c. Vongierk disease

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-08-2012

Q7 tyrosine is essential in patients with .......??

a. PKU
b. DM
c. Albinism
d. DHB reductase
e. B6 deff.
f. A + d
g. a + e

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-08-2012

q8 Cystic Fibrosis is most commonly due to phenylalanine deletion at postion 508 this is similar to ?

a. Duchene
b. Becker
c. Familial hypercholesterolemia

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-09-2012

q8 Cystic Fibrosis is most commonly due to phenylalanine deletion at postion 508 this is similar to ?

a. Duchene
b. Becker
c. Familial hypercholesterolemia

c.due to mutation of gene that encodes the LDL receptor. similar to gene mutation for CFTR receptor.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-09-2012

Q6 A 1 year old mentally retarded patient with several hospital admission with hypoglycemia presents to you with a positive Clinitest but a negative Urine dipstick for sugar? the patient most likely have?

a. Glucosuria
b. Hereditary fructose intolreance
c. Vongierk disease

c. Von gierke disease...has all s/s, .....not sure abt +Clinitest (test for glucose in urine)

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-09-2012

Q7 tyrosine is essential in patients with .......??

a. PKU.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-09-2012

insulin deffciciency in patients with DM1

will lead to a state in whicg the body is in a psedohypoglycemia which will stimulate ACTH relese ---. cortisol and Epi. and glucagon to further increase the blood sugar

dec. insulin and increased Glucagon -->> phosphorylation of AcetlcoA carboxylase rendering it inactive in FA synthesis so acetyl coA

the effect of inc. acteyl coA:::

inhibits pyruvate dehase: leading to inc. conversion of pyruvate into the gluconeogenic pathway which is already stimulated by the glucagon( F16Bisphosphatase) further increasing sugar levels

the other path acetyl coa will take is into Ketone body synthesis cuz beta oxidation of FAs which is normally inhibtied by MALONYLCOA is absent now cuz no acetycoa carboxylase is functoning cuz of lack of insulin