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pathology interveiw thread - happy_doctor - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

congratulations:...700th post on this gread thread
above all...most of them make some sense.
Hope all get matched and stay in contact

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

701 post / 48272 views.... what does it mean?

7 times more views than post... it means, all us who participate post 1 for each 6 times we only view. Is it right?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

quite obvious..5 times we see if others are in ACTIVITY or Inactive

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

hey dreamgirl..sorry about darthmouth...

as for the posts, i must say i check our thread 5-6 times a day and post once or twice, depending if i have anything to share or if something posted warrants a reaction.

anyway, with regards to programs just ignoring you, would you just suggest writing to programs to ask about your status? i'm not as worried about putting pressure on them, i'd rather know if i'm waiting for something or just wasting my time. in other words, i'd like to know if they have decided to pass on me so that i can react adding more programs or what have you...however, at the same time, i don't want to speed up a rejection if say i was in the "maybe later" file. so what's everyone's opinion on this?

and if you do decide to email/call...what would be the best way to word it?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

Good night / Good day everyone...looks like shall jump into bed
Have a great day DG...there are few hrs to closing...hope for the best

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

Good Night, Happy-Doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

Hi folks,

I am a path applicant as well and have been following the posts carefully. I recognize ustmd2006 and dreamgirl from other forums as well. I applied on Oct 1 and have the same question as ustmd2006. Do programs remain silent or send out rejections. I assume they would send rejections out as the no of applications for each program are way less than IM for example. If not, when would be a good time to nudge them into responding. Ofcourse it has been only 2 weeks since i applied..but i see the programs i applied to giving out IV's to other people.
How many people does each program IV? 30 for 6 spots? So it is about 1:5 then..
Anyways, i am rambling here..any suggestions are welcome.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

dockart, I don't know about your other questions, but from what I know, most program interview about 10 applicants for 1 position. Also, because you applied late, it's hard to say. I applied in mid september, thus later than some. I've seen programs given out invs and rejs and then I heard from them a couple weeks later. I guess I would expect they already rejected me if I applied on day one, but with a late application, it's hard to predict.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

updating the list:
Adding rejection from U south Florida , and ustmd2006 (cleveland clinic) + dreamgirl (dartmouth)

*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Case medical center cleveland: H2k
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Danbury CT: shattered
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered
*Jackson memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
* SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*Texas Methodist: dumbme
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl
*U of Cincinnati: brownie
*U Florida Jacksonville: patho79
*University of Indiana: path08, H2k
* UMass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*U Minnesota: brownie
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg,steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician


*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006

*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, Brownie
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Indiana: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006
*LSUHSC-Shreveport LA: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor
*UCSF: patho79
*U Florida Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl,
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo, 3649736
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736
* US-FLORIDA: Brownie
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch:oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta
*U Wiscousin: happy_doctor
*Vanderbilt: markwang

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-17-2007

I have a pb with this IV: Danbury CT: shattered
I called the prog Coord and she assured me that they just started processing applications and they haven't invited anybody. One of you guys is lnot telling the truth.
Good luck anyway.