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DONE with STEP 1 - samomcos - Printable Version

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DONE with STEP 1 - samomcos - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2009

Hi guys...

I'm done with step1 today Alhamdulillaah. Still in denial Big Grin Can't believe it's finally over...this monster that's been haunting me for the past 2 years, but today I felt that it's more of a 'Casper - the friendly ghost' than a demonic ghoul.

Just one piece of sincere advice: know ur concepts, the stuff in Kaplan and Goljan is ENOUGH! and yes, the NBMEs are a good indictaor of how the exam questions are written. I don't think there was one thing on my exam today that was really wierd or strange. Yes, there were a few questions where I had to choose between two answers, but no matter how hard you study, or for how long, you will never know definitely what the answer is for these kind of questions.

my experience:

Last night, I went out with my husband and kid to do what i love doing - shopping! Smile

Went to bed at 11:30. My kid woke me up at 4:30, and then I just couldn't sleep cz of the jitters. I got up, got ready, prayed, wore something that looked good and felt comfortable (that's important for feel good too..I know some people are ok with the Tom Hanks look from 'Castaway', but different strokes for different folks..) Had a bowl of cereal, got my daughter ready and we left for the centre at 6.45.

got there around 7.30, but they wouldn't let me in till 8. I sat down outside the door and went over a few things in FA. By the time i signed in and started, it was exactly 8.30 and started the first block.... a few of the questions, i looked at, and went 'what!!!! are you kidding me!? that's a no-brainer'...i was genuinely surprised...they were at a level you would find in an inaginary NBME form 0.5 - yes, twice as easy as form1. It made me feel good and confident...i flagged around 5 questions, and after finishing all 48, revised the flagged, and the rest, and still had 10 minutes left, and i took a break. (yes! the questions were NOT a mile long. they were NBME length)

block 2 and 3 were the same way...just a couple of questions that looked long, but the length was mainly due to the lab values listed one below the other....took atleast a 5 min break after each block, esp since I had 5-10 min left at the end of each of these blocks...

overall, for blocks 1 thru 3, i was unsure about the answer for maybe 5-6 questions max.

then, along came the spider...block's when things started to get a leeeetle tricky, but not too was kinda mixed...i flagged around 10 questions..after i went over all the questions again, i had maybe a couple of mins left. took a break for lunch and to call up home and my parents (who were in a different time zone and hadn't slept all night bcz they were worried about my exam....thank God for parents.. Smile ) and told them to relax and that all was well, and to keep praying...

blocks 5,6,7....yes, kinda tough..flagged 12-13 each block....had time to go over all answers again, but no time left over after that...kept breaking after each block...5 min atleast.

Take home points:

* All u need to know is covered in Kaplan/FA/UW
* I didn't get any strange new names/drugs from a galaxy far far away...
* Question pattern correlates closely with NBME
* I didn't get a single question/slide from the NBMEs
* if asked to compare my sections 1-7, i would compare them directly, and in that order to NBME 1-7
* I didn't get a single graph/curve that was too screwed up to figure out
* Got a few heart-sound clips...yes, they were a little tricky...i suggest you go over them once..
* most slides were ok, but sometimes, no matter how u look at it, u can't figure out what they want u to see...relax, u'll probably figure out the answer from the stem
* READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY ( it is why i make mistakes usually...right from kindergarten i hated revising my answers once i was done, but I tried doing it for these tests, and it helps... )

If u can: TAKE A PRACTICE TEST AT THE PROMETRIC CENTRE.....IT MADE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE TO ME WHEN IT CAME TO ANXIETY LEVELS...( initially I thought i wouldn't want to waste any more money on this exam, but my parents suggested it strongly, and I'm glad I listened. The first time i went, i was such a wreck, that i gave the proctor the wrong permit,and was so crazy, I dodn't realize till 2 days later that I had the correct permit in my bag, and then I called Prometric again, and requested to let me re-schedule...yes, I had to call them up like a zillion times to get it processed, but let me take it...imagine if that had happened today!!! :O ) IF U CAN'T/DON'T WANT TO, ATLEAST VISIT THE PLACE ONCE, TALK TO THE STAFF, LOOK AROUND AND GET A FEEL OF THE PLACE....

* Use your mature defense mechanisms - REPRESS!!!!! don't let your anxiety get your goat..... I wouldn't even let my husband mention the test, or anything related since yesterday....

* Take whatever you want, have options so that u can eat/drink what you want to. I don't drink tea/coffee, unless I need to stay awake for an exam... I took a can of 'Starbucks Espresso doubleshot + energy'.....just drank a few sips coz i was feeling a little tired after block3.... i don't know if that worked, or it was just the adrenaline...but i was okay.

* don't stress yourself out.....for the first time, I actually sat and answered questions for 8 hours straight without feeling mentally fatigued, even though I'm the kind of person who needs a break and gets distracted every 10 mins.....what's done is done!

now u probably think my test was very! I know I might have screwed up a few things and ofcourse got some wrong, but no use worrying about it now...

* If I had studied VERRRRYYYYYYYY HARD...... I probably would have been correct/sure about maybe 3/4 more answers...that's i said, for all the others, no matter how long/how hard you've studied...u will never be sure my honest advice: Don't worry about the nittygritty...know ur concepts, just make sure you are able to understand what the question asks you, assess yourself using the NBMEs...this exam isn't for super-geeks or super-nerds with a IQ of 160, it's for the common masses....US.....

* NO, I didn't get crazy/wierd questions from Immuno/Biochem/Molecular Biology/Biostat/Genetics....very basic stuff

* NO, will not discuss specific exam content.

*YES, if you're a girl, you can cook, clean, wash dishes, get a dose of your daily soap-opera, get up every 10 minutes to attend to your kids, deal with your spouses/in-laws/friends....and still take the exam....yes, it takes us a little more time, but hey...I'm all for girl-power....we can be jack-of-all trades, so don't fret..God is with us...

and THANKYOU all the wonderful people from the forum.....esp okt3, super99 (i dunno where he disappeared to), dr.bkc, bilal, basicq, Fexo, nitya, usmlefocus, and everone else... and I'm sorry If I have ever been rude/incommunicado...never intentional...

....I just hope InshaAllah that my prayers, and those of family and friends get me a decent score, because I know I didn't work as hard as I should have or did justice to the faculties or intellect that God gave me to make good use of, so I just hope for His mercy and blessings...

I'll try and answer any other questions/doubts, as long as they don't pertain to specific exam content...

Thanks everyone and Good Luck...

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2009

Looks like u did really good! Good luck with score!

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2009

wish u all the best.
do u 've exactly correct all nbme answer?
which we got from forum many members told some r wrong.
i m asking buz i 'll take only 3,6 & 7 for rest i m looking correct answer.
my exam in feb.when should i start taking nbme?did u take all nbme online?
begining of this yr i did UW,score was very poor,so i took note from UW to my i m reading FA & solving UW again.pls give some advice for last 2 month.
i m very busy mom can not study more than 6 hrs daily.

thx for make the forum worthy.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2009

inshaallah you will get a high score
our god doesn't waste any body ,s work

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2009

You really did very well and good luck for your scores. From where did you practise for the heart sounds?

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-31-2009

Hi samomcos,


You have done. The first (devil) step is over. You will definitely score over 270+.
Could you tell us how many calculations was in your exam? What about their difficulty level.
I am asking this question b/c I hate math. Did you use calculator?
What about CT, MRT, angio, histo.

Enjoy holidays. Happy New Year!!!!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-31-2009

Wow... well written and well done! Smile We'll pray for you. Happy new year- now is the time for you to enjoy loads! Any advise for last 1 month? I don't want to delay it much but I am still stuck in 218 range in NBME (form 3, 2, 1) and I definitely want a higher score.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-31-2009

Yayyyyyyy for you!!! Congratulations on being done with it!!! Wishing you all the best and i just know you'll ace it Smile Smile

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-31-2009

hey samo......congrats for getting over........I hope I'll overcome this monster one day.....enjoy new year

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-31-2009

@ramri: thankss Smile wish u the best too.

@mission possible: sorry, i never noted down the correct answers for form 1-5. I do have the form6 and form7 answers that should be largely correct and I'd posted them in the forum a couple of times. I did nbmes 3-7 online and 1,2 offline. I just couldn't assess myself throught the offline ones, and wanted to know where i stood.

@mohfomscu: thankyou brother Smile

@new09: thanks. I didn't listen to the heart sounds for the exam from any particulat source per se. I remember hearing a couple of them for some question a while ago. I should have done them once before the test.

@goforward. thankyou for your wishes, I dont think i had more than 2-3 calculations and those too were really simple..definitely no need for a calculator. The CTs, MRIs were not bad... histo was easy too, a couple of gross specimen pics were bad...i know i got a couple of those wrong. Angios - got 2...easy.

@indiegal: i think you should maybe go over all the Kaplan books real quick in 10 days, and make sure u know what's in there, and then go over ur UW notes and over FA before the exam.

@ia: thankyou Smile so much...