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Decision Making on Exam.. - skybluez19 - Printable Version

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Decision Making on Exam.. - skybluez19 - ArchivalUser - 04-12-2011

I read this article on Newsweek today on "Brain Freeze" March 7, 2011, "how to deluge info paralyzes our ability to make good decisions."

and one thing I found was "If emotions are shut out of decision making process we are likely to overthink a decision and that has been shown to produce worse outcomes.."

Let you "unconscious decision making system kick in, and remove yourself from info influx and set priorities" The people who ignore extra information are "maximizers" and its best prescription to making decisions during difficult tasks.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-12-2011

yes, definitely but there's a thin line between making a correct unconscious decision and an incorrect one.... thats where practice comes in..

two years ago i ran this crazy a** marathon and somethin i too read somewhere was if u remove 'yourself' from your legs literally.... lol.... u can run forever.
its like as long as u invest your emotions and feelings which are all controlled by your very conditioned and therefore limited mind, your legs will tire early..... but if u let ur legs keep pushing but ur mind is blank... u are just one with the running itself... its possible for you to push the body to a maximum you cant even imagine

i practiced that method and it was like i really runnin for the first time ! : )

so yeah ur article def makes real sense... even with studying i guess.... u keep putting all that info in and if u can do it devoid of emotion and thought, i guess we can def push ourselves to take in a lot more and ignore the right parts of a question/topic......

nice find! Smile


0 - ArchivalUser - 04-12-2011

ps. i was deluding to the last line in your findings btw.... "Let you "unconscious decision making system kick in," : ) tc..!

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-12-2011

Yep we all study sooo hard every day, every one want to do well and every one wants a perfect score. But we all have to take a step back and realize our mind is dealing with all this and make sure we can gauge our thinking in right steps so that we can come to a good conclusion. Too much reading and details is not necessary and usmle tests our ability to judge and filter out unessential information. Because at the end of day, 80% of what was told is not useful yet other 20% is very crucial to diagnosis. Too much focus on minor details will lead us to wrong road.

Oh well glad i saw this article, worth it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-12-2011

Skybluez19: seems a nice article... can you post the link to the entire article.. would love to read it...!! thanks for posting it here though.. Really wonderful...!!

adrian: Nice thought ..!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-13-2011

Reach4stars: you can read article here:

Glad u liked it Smile)

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-13-2011

thanks skybluez19.... Nice article... and thanks for posting the link...!! Appreciated. :-)