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Visa question. - - ArchivalUser - 07-06-2003


my fiancee is a Green Card holder, I'm currently on a B visa & plan to apply for the Match. so if we get married,will I be able to get the work permit & apply for residencies with no visa-related problems; or I'll have to go through the H1/J1 route ?

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-06-2003


you can NOT get work permit through your financee. you can apply for green card through family based category. it may take 4 to 5 years depending on situation.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-06-2003


if I apply after we get married, how long will it take to get the work permit ?

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-06-2003


It depends on priority date and your immigration category. Spouses of green card holders belong to 2A category. The current priority date for 2A category is 1998 for all countries except for Mexico (1995). It means those spouses of green card holders who applied in 1997 are getting their green cards now. So, if you get married this year you may have to wait until 2008 until you get your green card. I don't think you will be able to get a work permit before your priority date.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-06-2003


thanks for the reply.
another question about immigration; is it possible to get a Green card through getting sponsored by a residency program,like if I hire a lawyer & offer to pay all the fees "even those suppose to be paid by the sponsor" & do the paper work myself to save the program the hassle and cost of the process.. or this is simply not allowed by law?

also what are the chances of a fresh medical graduate like me to get an investment green card,provided that I can afford the needed cash (I believe it's a minimum of $500,000)
or this also needs work experience in the field I'll be investing in ?
sorry for the long message & weired questions.. I'm just trying to explore different possibilities with u guys.
thanks for your help.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-07-2003


You can deposit $1.0 million and apply for US Green Card. That is the only option.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-07-2003

tough to say

if you have that kind of money, why bother to go to the US? You can make that money grow thru investments and live like a king in thousand other places.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-08-2003


because I wanna get a decent residency training & become a well-trained doctor.. It's not all about maney my friend.. if money was my 1st choice, I wouldn't have bothered to enter medical school in the 1st place!

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-08-2003

tough to say

Well I really hope you truly believe what you are saying. Sometimes we may think we are doing things for this or that reason but in reality, there may be another underlying reason.

If becoming a well trained doctor is what you really want, then you have many choices/options. You do not have to limit yourself to the US. There is Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Singapore, Japan, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, other European coutries, Hong Kong, Philippines and so many other places. And many of these will accept you as long as you know English. All these countries have good residency training programs.

I wish you luck. Know thyself.