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Have Any Scramble Questions? -
We™ve got answers!

There™s one week left to the Match, and your feelings of apprehension and tension are probably growing. The buzzword œScramble is on everyone™s mind; it sounds frightening. What is the Scramble? How does it work? Is it worthwhile? Everyone™s heard Scramble Day horror stories; is it possible to have a manageable, successful Scramble Day?

Now, for the first time ever, and by popular demand, we™ll be hosting a live teleconference featuring YOUR questions. If you™ve been feeling lost, scared, or worried, now™s your chance to ask your questions and get the guidance you need. This conference will serve as a Scramble primer to let you know how to approach the Scramble and maximize your chances for success. On Tuesday, March 9, at 8:30 PM, IMGPrep will be hosting a live teleconference with the answers YOU need to empower you to make the correct decisions.

If you™ve been grappling with any of the following questions, this teleconference is for you!

+ What is the post-Match Scramble?
+ How do I do it?
+ Am I a candidate for the Scramble?
+ If my application didn™t get the response I™d hoped for, should I just try again next year?
+ How can I make a plan of action?
+ How can I know if I will have to Scramble?
+ I™ve heard that the Scramble is such a crazy day that all sites are down and phone lines busy; should I even bother?
+ Why should I use a Scramble service if I can do it myself?

Got any more questions? We™ve got answers! Email your questions to before 4:30 PM on March 9, and tune in at 8:30 PM to learn how you can make your Scramble Day manageable.

SIGN UP NOW because space is limited; attendance is capped at 85 people. For login details, please email; the first 85 respondents will receive an email with detailed instructions.

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