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Passed!!! - tomo27
I passed finally, it was my first attempt but luckily I got over.
I want to share the information with examinees who are taking the test in future.
Im a Japanese doctor, graduated in 2006.
I used FA, Kaplan, UW, Dr Pumas prep course via skype and cse video
I used every material and course because I live in Japan and did not want to go to the States again if I fail. It will impose me too much time and money taking again, so I tried to pass it in one time. All the books and courses were good, but I would say Dr Puma's CS via skype the best!
I chose his class because he has experienced failing the test once, and passed on second time.
He knew all about why he himself failed first time and succeeded on second attempt.
That information is the best tip we should learn from him. People who have passed on their first attempt does not know what was good and what wasn't.
Also he answered to all of my Qs regarding case and cs with confidence and good reason, supported me through test and also after test. Gave me a lot of reassuarance and confidence
when I was tired of studying and practicing, kept on driving me to the right direction. He is very kind and clever. He has led so many IMG to success including me and also who have failed the cs multiple time. Thats because he knows everything about teaching and cs.
You can check his class from this forum. Click his class !
Kaplan was also good but too expensive. Dr speak too fast for me. I cant do like that. I liked the FA very much and cases are very good I think. UWs cases are little tricky and difficult. FA is the gold standard for the PN and cases I felt.

On the test day I was so nervous, just like everyone. But once the case started I did not have to think of anything.. The Qs flowed out from me. I think this was because of the practice I have went through. Please practice, practice, practice...
All went well I felt, but some mistakes. Dont worry, everyone do mistakes. I shaked hand in case where I should not, asked to repeat the Q in 2 case, did not counsel about sex, tabacco,
illicit drug in few cases.

My english isn't good, and I think you can notice that from this message I am writing. I an sure that there are so many grammer and word errors. People with SEP problem, please speak slowly, loudly. I think you should not ask to repeat the Qs to the SPs if the Qs you asked was something like, what Meds do you take, tell me about your diet, how long they have smoked, how much they drink,,,,, kind of not so much important Qs.
If you ask them to repeat, you may be taken you do not understand them. Better to sacrifice the score of your PN a little bit. You can recover that point easily.

Good luck to everyone. By the way I took it in LA.Prepared for 2 month. No problem. People who think there is a difference between the center are I think wrong.
many many congrats........

i am also dr puma,s student,,,and i agree,,what u are saying abt him,,,
my exam is just after 1 wk,,,
again congratulations................
Hi everybody, I passed my step2 cs 2day. Iam super happy.
My story in short 2007 grad. MBBS from Tamil Nadu , India. Got married and settled in Toronto, Canada for more than 2yrs.
Gave my xam on 28th Jan 2011. Results wer out at 10am ,on 2nd March 2011.
Result: PASS Centre: Chicago morning session.

Preparation Time: Jan 2 to Jan 26
Materials used: FA third edition, UW, Dr.Puma's coaching for 13hrs, CSE videos
Practice: With Live partner for 10 days. from morning 11am to evening pm. 3skype partners.

I started preparing from Jan 2 . But before that i just went thru the FA cases just like reading a story. From Jan 3 i started classes with Dr.Puma. He helped me a lot and gave me a good format for history taking. He cleared all my doubts regularly and he trained me in cracking the challenging questions. Thanks a lot Dr.Puma for ur tremendous support and confidence u hav given me and all students to pass this extremely stressful xam. I also watched CSE videos which was helpful.
I practised with 3 skype partners . Samera, Anubha and Deepali. I practised cases with them regularly. In evenings with Samera after my live partner goes. In mornings with Deepali. Thanks a lot girls, Samera, Deepali and Anubha who helped me a lot to get thru this xam.
All my credit goes to my dearmost husband. On 27th early morning 12:10am my husband drove from Toronto to Chicago. He didnot hav a bit of sleep that night. At 3:30am we reached US border. Did all the checking and at 4am we started again and reached Chicago at 11am on 27th. I booked Chicago O hare Garden hotel b4 a month which is just 10mins walk to the xam centre. The room rent was only 37 dollors a day. I booked it for 2days. We had to check in at 3pm. So me and my husband had a good lunch in a thai hotel nearer the test centre. Then we went and had a look at my xam centre. Butterflies wer flying in my stomach wen i saw the centre.
We then checked in at 2:30pm. I went thru FA all again. My husband was already sleeping by then due to a long tiring drive. I studied till 7pm. Ate pizza and slept at 7:30pm itself since i slept only for 1hr the previous night. Got up at 5am on 28th, had good shower and talked to my mom and dad in India,got their blessings dressed up in formals which my husband brought me a week b4 for our 3rd wedding day which was 20th of January.
Satrted from hotel at 7:10am. Had breakfast at Nancys. My husband came with me and left me till the door.
Reached the centre at 7:40am. Went in checked and had the seat. Out of 23, 18 wer AMGs and the other 5 wer IMGs. We wer asked to keep our baggages and it was locked. All the staffs were very friendly to us. I was assigned NO:4. An AMG was sitting nearer to me . We had orientation videos played at 8:20am. After it was over, we were asked to check the instruments.
At 9:10am our first encounter began. In the first encounter i was little shaky but after that i picked up. We had 5 enconters at a stretch.We had very good yummy lunch at 11:15am. At 11:45 we started our 6th encounter.finished 4 encounters and had a break for 10mins at 1:30. Then had three encounters.

Key to pass the xam: Practice, Practice , Practice and Practice with live or skype partners. I practised a minimum of 12 cases a day for 3weeks.

What i did:
knocked,greeted them with smile, introduced myself ,drapped them, showed sympathy, asked OPDFSC and LIQUORAAA. These r the only pneumonics i used.
asked past h/o, surgical, sexual, gynec, smoking,alcohol and drug abuse and counselled appropriately then and there, summarised the key points, washed the hands, closed the case, answered the challengiing questions . Did this for all the 12 cases.Wrote a good Patient note

What mistakes i made.
1.I forgot to ask gynec H/O in a female pt. But it was NOT a gynec case.
2.Forgot to do SLR test
3.Did not ask the permission to retie the gown. after that apologized

The credit of this pass goes to GOD,my Husband, Parents, Dr.Puma ,CSE videos, my live SP, My skype partners.

I hav my step1 xam on March 31st. I hav to study hard for another 4weeks.

vey intersting studying plan!!!!!!!!!!!conrgulation.would you please tell me how can I reach the dr puma's study material & video.

I am also from Toronto. I want to present you one case before going for exam. My exam is on 10th march in chicago. I really appreciate your help. My email i.d is and skype i.d is suhritvik. waiting for your reply.
@ amazing123 : Thanks a lot.U can contact Dr.Puma at . The website address for CSE videos is

@ ritugarg : I hav added u on skype. U can present one case to me as u told.
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