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Need Advice - Desperate IMG - imgmar07
I have been placed on a performance plan and my PD said my residency (first year) has been extended by 4 months. The complaint is that I am communicating bad.
I am feeling very sad, I was fine until two months back, when I worked for the first time with one very powerful attending , right from day one, the person was yelling at me a lot. Then they gave me very poor evaluation. PD called and told me to improve performance.
After that I got good evals from couple of attendings, but that person again me very bad eval saying I cant communicate etc.
I was wondering if i should resign at the end of performance plan if my evals dont improve, I am scared because what if I am fired or placed under probation (feel i am under a microscope now). But I am also worried that if i resign , should I tell the programs that I had one year of residency and will get a bad letter.
I have very good scores and family worked very hard to pay my fees for medical school, usmle exams etc.
well first do what they are asking you....improve ur communication(there is not much time in residency but why don't u buy cds and listen to them while commuting?) or register to classes (i'm sure the pd will give that time off, at least during the 4 mo)
i really don't think that attending wants to be mean to you but maybe he tries to help you to be a good dr, able to create good and respectful relations with ur patients.u won't be able to do that with poor communication.
if u have family and stuff,go for the 4 more months and used them to improve ur skills.
Where are you training may we know?
Get hold of Rosetta CDs or DVDs for English language. Listen and watch for an hour or two a day...will help your language skills a lot.
Don't quit! Go on. NO matter what they do to you. Tha important thing is you know inside you that you're trying your best so be at peace. Do your best! The rest will follow.
At home, speak to your family in English, not with your native language. Watch English shows, not your country's shows.
Tell your co-workers, co-residents and nurses that you are practising you English skills and ask them to correct your spoken English skills. They will be very willing to help you if you are eager to learn the language.
Good luck!
This guy communication is ok,I guess he didnt start off well with this guy,so is a case of how to nail him.Please and Please,look for what he wants and give it to him,is just 3 years you are out.Shame on the PD after interviewing you and ranking you,he is now saying your communication is poor,or did you go with a translator on your IV day,is their fault if they hire someone that has poor communication skill.Your communication skills may not be impeccably excellent but going by your post is ok.Check maybe this attending wants you to worship him,just play along and get your three years.Goodluck,dont quit cos that is what they may want you to do.
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