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hemat - pashna23
A 21-year-old woman presents with a history of ulcerative colitis and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. She is admitted for a diabetic foot ulcer and is started on cefotetan. On the day of admission, her colitis flares up, and she has seven episodes of diarrhea. She stops eating, fearing that food may exacerbate her symptoms. She also develops a headache for which she takes acetaminophen every four hours. Four days after the admission, she starts having a nosebleed, which stops with nasal packing. The following day, while ambulating, the patient trips and falls against a chair, resulting in a bruise that develops into a large hematoma. She denies easy bruising or excessive bleeding during dental procedures in the past.

Laboratory studies show the following results:

WBC 6,200/mm3; hemoglobin 9.6 mg/dL; hematocrit 27.5%, platelets 300,000/mm3. Bleeding time 3 minutes (normal); PT 18 seconds; INR 1.5; PTT 42 seconds; albumin 3.5g/dL; total bilirubin 1.2 mg/dL; alkaline phosphatase 95 U/L; ALT 32 U/L; AST 2 5 U/L; ESR 70 mm/h.

What would be the most appropriate in treating this hemostatic disorder?

(A) Desmopressin acetate
(B) Vitamin K
© Factor VIII
(D) Fresh frozen plasma
(E) Aminocaproic acid
for treatment of his condition: Vit K
if he needs immediate surgery, FFP
Desmopressin is Same answer as C -- Hemophilias
Vit K takes to Long

D) Fresh frozen plasma --since she is loosing Blood Fast, but don't know if this is Liver prob d/t Acetaminophen or Vit K def d/t her Clinical prob (Ab treatment & Not eating)

what the Dx?
whats the ans pash
she's on antibiotics (kills off gut bacteria) + colitis(malabsorption of fat soluble vits) + she hasnt eaten So Vit K deficiency diagnosed.
she hasnt had these episodes prior to this event so its not a liver problem .

het PT and PTT are both raised so cant be hemophilia (since PT is normal PLUS she's a woman)

treatment would be to give her Vit K. In adults with Normal liver functions Vit K corrects PT and PTT within 24 hrs

If she had severe bleeding (melena , intracranial hemorrhage)--give her FFP
thx pashna for posting q's....Smile
hey zarah being real frugal with my qs got so much to do will try posting many more! t care!Smile
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