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a 16 - pacemaker
whats the ans pacemaker ,thanks...i stick to bb.
ok....waiting to read the answer, i dont know it.
waitingggggg....for the ans!!
The correct answer is E. This patient has cat-scratch disease,
a self-limited infection caused by Bartonella henselae.
Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and may
include malaise, anorexia, fever, and headache. Three
quarters of cases occur between September and March.
Most patients give a history of exposure to a cat,
although other small animals also may be the reservoir.
USMLE Step 2 Assessment Exam
Within 3 to 10 days, a small papule, pustule, or vesicle
appears at the site of injury. A week later, edema and tenderness
develop in regional lymph nodes. Untreated, the
disease resolves spontaneously in 2 to 5 months except in
severely immunocompromised individuals such as those
with AIDS. Diagnosis is established through clinical presentation,
increasing titers of antibodies, or histopathologic
evaluation of tissue stained with the Warthin-Starry
technique. Treatment is supportive, except in immunosuppressed
individuals who require antibiotics.
A nasopharyngeal swab for culture (choice A) would
not help to establish the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease
because the microorganisms are not present in
nasopharyngeal secretions. Infection is the result of
direct inoculation into the skin.
Needle biopsy of the lymph nodes (choice B) is not
indicated, because the diagnosis can be established
based on clinical presentation and increasing serum
antibody titers to Borrelia henselae.
Although the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease most
commonly is made based on history of contact with an
animal and clinical presentation, it should be confirmed
either by increasing serum antibody titers or
specially stained tissue sections from biopsy of a skin
lesion. It is therefore incorrect that no further studies
are indicated (choice C).
Radiography of the head and neck (choice D) would be
noncontributory in establishing the diagnosis, as it
would show only soft tissue swelling at the site of the
enlarged lymph nodes.
thanks pm
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