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washington manual & NMS medicine & med study - endometriosis
I failed step3 twice. Now I really need help from all of you friends. I do not want to take any chance this time.

Friends what do you all suggest regarding using these books for medicine.

Thank you in advance
i think if you failed twice you already know your problem. For this exam is better to know litle and good than a lot an unsure.

Tray to take one material uw, kck, wash. nms what ever you want. but stick with with and learn why why why why.......

my experience.... do uw 2 or 3 times learn why is the ans. and you'll be ok. if you stll have time after uw do kplan ck ... but don't go from one to another before mastering one ....

hope it help.
thanks cuenda,
I did uw 2-3 times during my earlier prep. I know there is a problem but where I do not know & i am not able to judge where i need to improve. I have been trying my best but still................
I will be very thank ful to you if you all help me for making decisions.
what was your score in the real exam vs uw
I did uw in very early stage of my prep & my scores were in 40's. My real exam score was 67 both time. Latter on when i was doing uw questions for revision i did not consider their score because most of the questions I remember. i think by the end of my prep. I was quite ok with the questions from uw. also i did mksap questions & those questions were really tough.

Endometriosis...first of all sorry for your failures..its a bitter pill to swallow , i know that since i have been there for step 2ck(failed it twice before passing)...but i am sure you will get back up and start fighting this beast again.
You see endo..i feel that you DID not try your may have thought you did..but clearly it wasnt your best effort cause otherwise your results would have been different. This may seem harsh..cause it seemed harsh to me when i was told the same thing by a close friend...but he was right. There is something in us that is lacking that makes the USMLE defeat us! Because you see people who fail do eventually pass..and they pass after studying over and over and over again! What I feel is the best approach is to DO UW questions again and may think you knoow all the explainations and questions but trust me no one does know even after going over them 10 times. So go over them again and again. Next you need to read your step 2 ck notes again and again and solidify your knowledge base. Read the washington manual only for consultation..its too dense a text to be memorized cover to cover...which u can do with kaplan step 2 CK notes. Also try to get a hold of premier review notes..i have heard they are very read those as well..u should also practie ccs from UW or Shaher because that is 30% of the exam right there and its not that difficult!!...finally take the NBME and only and only if your scoring over 500 in the NBME..should you even consider taking this exam over.
I feel that if you do what i have written wil at least pass this beast if not ace it. Take your time...dont rush..this is really your last chance so dont gamble. I know you will do well. I still have not taken step 3 but i have enough friends who have taken it and i trust their judgement as i have known them for years. If those guys can pass this exam with just what i have told you...then so can you. me and anybody else.! We have taken numberous exams to get here!! we arent dumb!! we just need to fine tune our weaknesess and practice practice practice!!
I hope this helps you a bit...please do not be offended by anything i have said in this post..I was simply trying to help and not find faults in you. Alright..God bless
thanks salsterz,
This is the best advice i have gotton so far. i will follow the same material again & again. I am looking for some new source of questions from where I can monitor my prep. I wonder if you can suggest some thing. Also in my exam I had many derma pictures, x-rays, some ct scans. I was trying to find out the sources to practice those things but i could not find any good source. I am still looking for them.
Again once more thanks
For new source of qns consider NMS qns and MKSAP 14. Some members of this forum have used usmle123,.
Kudos to salsterz, great advice.
Best of luck endometriosis.
Dear salsterz ,Its really a great advise, thank you

one word of advice keep at it

keep fighting

kill it

one day at a time

keep going

you will do it

I believe in you

god bless you
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