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how to go about in an infertility case?? - flanker99
few doubts.......

1: how to show empathy in this case? pt is female.

2: how to ask about sexual history? especially whether the sexual entercourse is satisfactory(to rule out impotence, premature ejaculation),whether ejaculation is taking place(to rule out duct obstruction)
anyone??? this case was given in Kaplan Complex
ok... here is my best guess, first of all its a great question.
but infertility can only be a dd it cant be an actual case, b/c if its a female, youmust do a work up before you get to that conclusion and then she must be referred to a specialist who will decide if she is infertile. BUT.... if you get a female who has been trying to get pregnant, i would doit as an obgyn case, do an ab exam, ask all the gyn questions, do cv, lung, check thyroid, but make sure you ask all obgyn questions, then as a dd, maybe pid, infertility, age is definitly a factor, ie, 45 yr old female infertile?????? ovarian disaes, uterine firbroids, hormal problems, thyroid, pituatary... etc

for a male, same exams, dd, would be impotnece, dysspermatogenesis, and other major disease that cause infertility, turners for female kleinfelters for male, drugs, sports,

the wu, pelvicus, urine tox, cbc, sperm count, egg count, fertility specialist,

im just guessing if you get a real answer let me know
all you have to do is type in infertility online and you can pull allkinds of stuff that will answer the questions, for example, he is an obgyn i did my rotations iwth and he has a website that answers all kinds of questions. i will check it out in the next couple of days and let you know, and if you chekc it out let me know
medstudent777 thanks for that. I love this site and the fact that everyone is sharing information. I will be waiting for that post.
oops... that was MAYOCLINIC.COM
Dont waste your time. No such case has been uncountered so far...
thanks medstudent777, but actually what i meant to ask was, while asking the q 2 , do we have to be blunt while asking that type of question or is there any gentle way of asking such extremely private question? i know what questions to ask, but as we all know its the way we ask questions which is important in CS otherwise CIS suffers a lot.

for q1 i think this muct be good enough: i can understand your situation and i am sorry for it. u and yr partner must be going through a terrible time. but i must ask u some questions, some of which are extremely private in nature but i need to know as much info as possible to find out the cause so that it can be corrected. i think this much should be enough to show empathy to the patient

and hey cstopass, when such a case does pop up in the exam and God forbid u are left with your mouth gaping not knowing what to ask and how to ask u are in neck deep trouble. CS is all about knowing what to tell and when to tell beforehand.

Forewarned is forearmed. Knowledge of imminent danger can prepare us to overcome it. The Latin version is 'Praemonitus, praemunitus.'

Thanks to all
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