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next step - usmle68
16 month baby, 1w diarrhea, came for colicky abdominal pain for 12 h and vomiting for 1day. PE: tender abdomen, lethagic child. T=101.3, WBC=18000. next step?
a. electrolytes replacement
b. abt
c. reduction of bowel
d. O2 morphine
e. bowel resection
f. endoscope
forgot to add "pass black bloody stool today".
c is ans
Check his electrolytes.He might be dehydrated and hypokalemic. Rest follows
What if the Q asks the next most important step is ?
its intsusseption or PS ?
most improtant next step would be reduction.
This looks like 1st will be Air enema which is preferred than gastrograffin enema this can be therapeutic & diagnostic...

Now post enema recurrence rate is high so admit the patient in floor with mother and correct all possible electrolyte issues. Now admit & montitor for at least 24 hrs if doesnt recur in 24 hrs patient can be discharged with helathy diet advice and immunization counselling. Standard counselling like regular weight & height monitoring and looking for any further black stool.

If recurrs in 24hr immediate surgery ( Laparotomy) to reduce the intususseption. Prepare patient with NPO,coags, IV fluids. Bowel prep is not possible in emergency.
Hi, spritit, you are so good. you'll ace the exam!
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