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Night Crew Check-in - badam

Gluck with the molec bio. I'm hoping to get to that tom. Doing renal tonight
good EARLY morning all =]] im here doing cardio revision from FA and questions after a 2 day wedding breaks..... =]] lookin forward to tonights massive grind!
i've checked in. need to do 1 block of biochem questions with explanations... siiigh
Good morning Zen and DrSahiba! Hope you guys have made a dent in your subjects for the night. I just started the second renal DIT video.

Does anyone else get really sad when they start a video and realize its one of those 1.5 hour plus ones? Conversely, I can't stop smiling when its one of those hour long ones. Its sad that my moods depend DIT video lengths, lol

Zen, are you doing DIT cardio as well? Thats a killer. FOUR videos!!!
i finished them already now im just reading the FA over again... and im stck on page 259... tryna memorize heart murmurs lol.... but yeah i completely agree with u as soon as i see 1.5 + hours i get so depressed lol... ur not the only one hha =]
Ahhh, that murmurs page made me nuts for a while. Cardio physio is the hardest thing ever for me. I can read FA a million times but any question that requires me to put together cardio concepts...well, its over!
finished micro FA...starting biostats Inshaa Allah
Here it is 4:35 am eastern time, Atlantic city......just finished kaplan immuno qbank.
#39 guys need to sleep cos,,,,,DAY SHIFT IS STARTING.....LOL

wow...hope you guyz had a productive night...

nite nite...;-)
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